Bibles and Baptist Literature

Health and Education

We hold the conviction that our ministry to people should be holistic, inclusive of the all important spiritual, and also of the physical and moral.
We acknowledge with joy the work of Baptist churches, associations, unions and mission bodies in ministries of health and education and would strongly encourage bold new ventures in poverty areas.

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Bibles and Baptist Literature

Baptist World Aid and the Poor in God’s World

The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering, meeting in Accra, Ghana, July 2-7, 2007:
Renews its decision made at the General Council in Seoul, Korea, 2004, to strengthen the capacity of aid and development agencies, such as Baptist World Aid, to make a biblically- shaped response to the needs of the poor and oppressed in line with the Micah Challenge campaign to support the UN initiative of 2000 on the Millennium Development Goals to halve the level of world poverty by 2015;

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