Registration Now Closed.
July 5-7, 2024 | Lagos, Nigeria

The Baptist International Conference on Theological Education (BICTE) is held once each quinquennium with a focus on drawing together Baptist theologians and theological educators around a specified theme. In 2024, we will gather around the call to be Agents of Peace in our world. This time together will include impactful worship, teaching, and networking, so mark your calendars and make plans to join us for BICTE 2024 and then stay on to experience the 2024 BWA Annual Gathering.

The convening of the conference of theologians, theological educators, seminary professors, pastors, advocates for peace among others is timely, considering the current climate of war, conflicts, adversity, and militarism.


Please click here for a draft schedule overview for BICTE as well as the International Humanitarian Action and Development Intensive Course and the Annual Gathering

10th Baptist
International Conference on Theological Education (BICTE)

A cadre of Baptist theologians and Biblical scholars will explore the theme from biblical, sociological, cultural, communal, and practical perspectives.


The biblical teachings on peace and peacemaking, deepening participants’ understanding of the concept of peace as outlined in the Scriptures.


The personal and communal qualities necessary for individuals to become effective agents of peace in their communities.


Participants will be given and taught to use
practical tools and strategies for addressing conflicts and promoting peace in their respective contexts.


The crucial role of reconciliation and forgiveness in the pursuit of peace, emphasizing the healing and transformative power of these concepts.


From Participants to be Peacemakers in all aspects of their lives, including church leadership, family dynamics, and social or political engagement.
Registration for International Participants
Registration for Nigerian Participants

See you in Lagos, Nigeria!

Come and join us with in our BWA Annual Gathering on July 7-12, 2024!

Find Out More

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