We are pleased to share with you the entire set of Resolutions, Manifestos, Messages and Proclamations approved by delegates attending the Baptist World Alliance World Congresses from 1905 through 2015 (the 2020 Congress was postponed to 2021 due to the global pandemic).
Additionally, we are offering the Resolutions and Manifestos approved by the BWA General Council, which meets yearly. The online collection includes the years 1976-2019. The BWA Executive Committee Resolutions are currently being compiled, and a limited number are already accessible. The collection will be expanded over time.
Each Resolution document is in PDF format and seeks to reproduce the original text as closely as possible. This means that language and punctuation may be archaic and not in accordance with contemporary standards of discourse. Spellings of words sometimes are in British English and have been preserved as they were originally published. I am solely responsible for any typographical errors in reproduction, and I would deeply appreciate it if you would share with me any that you may discover.
It is the BWA’s hope that this collection will be useful to scholars, historians, denominational leaders, and clergy. Each document now contains a unique identification number, topical keywords, and four types of citations for academic purposes.
The range of issues covered by the collection is comprehensive, and many of the Resolutions speak to contemporary concerns (such as racism, antisemitism, poverty and war) with multi-cultural wisdom, spiritual integrity, and intellectual depth. Readers seeking to learn how Baptists on a global scale and across time have addressed the human condition in all of its variations (moral, social, economic, political, etc.) will be rewarded as well as challenged.
In Baptist polity, Resolutions and other collective statements are not binding on Baptist individuals or churches. They intend to share wisdom and raise consciousness rather than to demand or coerce conformity or hinder the soul freedom and responsibility of people to follow God according to the dictates of their own Christ-led conscience. In the foreword to the 1955 Golden Jubilee World Congress Official Report (p. 6), BWA General Secretary Arnold T. Ohrn stated this principle well:
If you should need any further assistance in utilizing this online historical archive, please feel free to contact me.
Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer,
BWA Historian (Click here to contact)
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World Baptist Young People’s Union
That there now be formed the World Baptist Young People’s Union, the aim of which shall be the uniting of the young Baptists in all countries; the contribution, membership and organization shall be discussed and determined by the World Baptist Young People’s Committee.
Thanks for Help in Time of Distress
A resolution of thanks from the many groups of suffering Baptists on the continent, to those who had succoured them, was presented by the Rev. F. W. Simoleit, of Germany, and was accepted.
Resolution Congratulating the Baptists of Sweden
Special congratulation was also given on the wonderful progress made by Swedish Baptists in their 75 years history, and on the singular devotion shown in that for every 600 members, they maintain one missionary abroad, thus standing at the head of all lands in this respect.
Resolution of Thanks to the Baptists of Sweden
A resolution of thanks to the Baptists of Sweden for their hospitality to the Congress was moved by Rev. L. N. Scarborough, D.D., LL.D., and carried by a standing vote.
Resolution of Thanks
Dr. Prestridge : It falls to me and is my great pleasure to read these resolutions of thanks. I think that is fitting because for two or three months I have been in daily correspondence,—and sometimes three and four times a day,—with the various chairmen of the committees here, and I know of their labors, of their afflictions and of their patience:
Resolution on Social Progress
Whereas, We hail with joy the fact that the Baptist World Alliance is giving such a large place to the social aspect of the gospel and the duty of Christian people to human society; and
Whereas, There is a growing conviction that Christianity is to dominate human life in all its relations, that it is Christ’s purpose to bring the blessings of the kingdom into the life of all men and that it is man’s duty to apply Christian principles to existing conditions in human society, and
Regarding Peace
“That this Baptist World Alliance, representing eight millions (8,000,000) and more of Baptists all over the earth, expresses its thankfulness to God for the brightening prospects of the extinction of war and the arrival of universal peace and good will.
The Coronation OF King George V and Queen Mary
That this Baptist World Alliance, representing eight millions (8,000,000) of members, and now meeting in the City of Philadelphia, hereby expresses its joy in the accession of King George V. and Queen Mary to the throne of the British Empire, and begs most respectfully to offer its sincere and hearty congratulations on their coronation in Westminster Abbey, and prays that God will abundantly bless their reign, making it to issue in the increasing happiness and well-being of the people, in the widest sway of justice and purity, in the maintenance and extension of peace, and the promotion of brotherhood and good-will amongst all men.
To the President of the United States
The Baptist World Alliance, in session in Philadelphia, begs to express its respectful greetings to the President of the United States as the Chief Executive of the great Republic within whose borders the Alliance meets. It assures him of its grateful appreciation of the welcome which has been accorded to its members in America. It offers earnest prayer for long and useful years of increasing personal and public service on behalf of the great cause of humanity, and gives thanks to God for his great contribution to the cause of peace.
Baptist Young People
At this, the first meeting ever held in the interest of Baptist young people throughout the world assembled at Philadelphia, June 20, 1911, we, delegates and visitors to the second session of the Baptist World Alliance wish to record our views regarding the work for our young people in the following statement and resolutions:
Report of the Committee on Future Congresses
The report of the Committee on Future Congresses was presented as follows by Rev. L. A. Crandall, D.D., of Minneapolis, who moved its adoption. This was seconded by his Honor Judge W. Willis, K.C., of East Dereham, supported by Rev. J. Clifford, M.A., D.D., of London, and carried unanimously:
Future Congresses
Upon the motion of the President, seconded by Mr. Herbert Marnham, of London, it was resolved:— “That the President is hereby authorised to nominate a Committee on future Congresses with Rev. J. N. Prestridge, D.D., and Rev. J. H. Shakespeare, M.A., as Conveners, which shall report at the Morning Session on 17th July, 1905.
Disaster at Rhondda, South Wales
Baptist World Congress expresses profound sympathy with sufferers Rhondda disaster and prays for Divine consolation.
Telegram to King Edward VII
It was moved from the Chair, seconded by Rev. J. N. Prestridge, D.D., of Kentucky, and unanimously resolved to send the following message to His Majesty King Edward VII:
May it please your Majesty—
We, ministers and delegates of Baptist Churches in the United Kingdom, the British Colonies, America, and various other lands, representing over 7 millions of communicants, assembled in the Baptist world Congress, desire to express our joy at meeting in this land so dear to all lovers of religion and freedom.
1923 BWA World Congress Message
The Third Baptist World Congress meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, July, 1923, and representing with few exceptions the Baptists of every country in the world, a constituency numbering ten millions of baptized members, and many millions of adherents, in view of world conditions, and resolutely facing the problems of the future, makes this statement of Baptist principles and purposes to the Christians and peoples of the world.
1928 BWA World Congress Message
1928 BWA World Congress Message Excerpt From the Foreword by J. H. Rushbrooke: It will be observed that the assembly at Toronto has adopted no formal resolutions. It became clear in the course of the week that (especially since the Alliance is not an executive or a...
1965 BWA World Congress Manifesto
WE REAFFIRM our faith that the gospel of God’s free salvation in His Son, Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, is for all men, without distinction, and that today as in previous generations it speaks to man’s every need, convicting, redeeming, transforming, guarding the human spirit and requiring the ending of exploitation and tyranny, and the provision of full opportunities for its free acceptance and for worship, witness, and service.
1970 BWA World Congress Message to the Churches
We who have the privilege and joy of attending the Twelfth Congress of the Baptist World Alliance at Tokyo greet you, the members of churches in fellowship with the Alliance. In this written message we cannot convey the wonder of the inspiration felt in worship, prayer, and fellowship with so large a gathering of representatives from so many countries, meeting for the first time in Asia.
1980 BWA World Congress Declaration
Declaration on Human Rights (Prepared by the Baptist World Alliance Commission on Freedom, Justice, and Peace and presented by the Commission's chairperson, William W. Pinson Jr., to the Congress on July 11, 1980.) We the Commission on Freedom, Justice, and Peace...
The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Vancouver, Canada, July 6-8, 2016:
ACKNOWLEDGES the profound challenges created in many parts of our world by the massive flow of refugees and displaced persons,
Renewal, Growth, Evangelism and Mission
BWA World Congress Resolution 2000.4 BWA World Congress Resolution 2000.4 Renewal, Growth, Evangelism and Mission The Baptist World Alliance Congress meeting in Melbourne Jan. 5-9, 2000 GIVES thanks to Almighty God for the boundless blessings God bestows; ACCEPTS...
Human Rights and Social Justice
The Baptist World Alliance Congress meeting in Melbourne, January 5-9, 2000
REAFFIRMS our abiding conviction previously expressed on numerous occasions that human rights are God-given and that violations of human rights are violations of the laws of God;
Kachin Crisis
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Ocha Rios, Jamaica, July 1-6, 2013:
LAMENTS the atrocities occurring in Rakhine, Chin, Karen and Kachin states in Myanmar;
Resolution on Corruption
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Izmir, Turkey, July 9-11, 2014:
ACKNOWLEDGES that every human being is created in the image of God and thereby has an intrinsic
value to God and to the world (Genesis 1:26-27);
Christians at Risk of Persecution
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), meeting in Izmir, Turkey, July 9-11, 2014:
RECOGNIZES the very real dangers faced by many Christians in various parts of the world who experience intolerance and persecution from governments and authorities of different political, religious and ideological persuasions;
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