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2012 Resoluciones

Resoluciones adoptadas por el Concilio General de la Alianza Mundial Bautista Santiago de Chile, 2 a 7 de Julio de 2012 La reunión anual del Concilio General de la Alianza Mundial Bautista tuvo lugar este año del 2 al 7 de julio en Santiago de Chile. El Concilio es el...

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Visits by Others

Visits by Others

Delegates representing the BWA, EBF, and the Uniting Church of Sweden visit Azerbaijan Between 31 August and 05 September 2013, four delegates visited Azerbaijan in order to asses the current human rights and religious freedom situation, as well as to express love and...

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President’s visits – Upton 2010-2015

  Upton in Nagaland, India, February 2014{igallery id=6755|cid=21|pid=1|type=category|children=0|showmenu=0|tags=|limit=0} Upton in Ukraine From left: Kasprov Mykola (vice president), Komendant Grygoriy (President, Bible Society, former President, Baptist...

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День Пятидесятницы 2012 года

Послушная вера Насколько серьезно мы относимся к нашим словам когда мы говорим о послушании Богу? Сам термин «послушание» предполагает отношения между тем, кто дает задание и другой стороной, которая подчиняется приказам. Само упоминание послушания нарушает...

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IRLA Congress

BWA General Secretary Callam has argued that, globally, there is no single paradigm for Baptist response to secularism as an ideology. He suggests that Baptist approaches exist along a four-point trajectory. He was speaking at the seventh congress of the IRLA, which...

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Visits – Hope Valley Baptist Church

On March 24, BWA General Secretary Callam preached at the Hope Valley Baptist Church, Durham, NC, a BWA Global Impact Church. He challenged the gathering to wholehearted engagement with the BWA in its effort to fulfill the Great Commission. Tom Jackson, former pastor...

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Celebra & Reflete sobre o Legado de Thomas Helwys

"Não Despreze o Conselho dos Pobres", uma citação de Thomas Helwys em seu discurso para o rei inglês, em seu livro Uma Curta Declaração do Mistério da Iniquidade, foi o título dado a uma conferência conjuntamente organizada pelo Seminário Batista Internacional em...

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Embajadores del Reino de los Cielos

Ya se han iniciado los preparativos para la conmemoración del 500 aniversario de la Reforma en 2017. Sin dudas, pasaremos mucho tiempo reflexionando sobre la vida de Martin Lutero y sus enseñanzas, como también en los logros de los católicos y luteranos que firmaron...

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