CALLS on Baptists to a more dedicated obedience to Christ’s Great Commission in view of the rapidly increasing world population, the technological challenges in many lands in the nuclear age, the revival of non-Christian religions, and the challenge of modern ideologies.
Statement on Angola
The Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Wake Forest, North Carolina, U. S.
A., June 27-29, is shocked and grieved at the reliable and continuing reports of offenses against basic
rights, dignity, property and life itself occurring in Angola.
Mrs. Helen Fling, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee appointed on Thursday night, presented the following:
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of the BWA Executive Committee, publicly express gratitude:
Situation in Ukraine
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Izmir, Turkey, July 9-11, 2014:
NOTES with concern that, in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine generally, the situation has led to increased religious persecution, especially against evangelical Christians;
Church Burning in the U.S.A.
NOTES with profound concern the continuing incidents of church burning, numbering in excess of 40 within the past 18 months in the United States of America, involving congregations with African– American membership; and
The Ministry of Reconciliation
REJOICES with the world community at recent political developments where negotiation has opened the way to peaceful resolution of long-term hostility or oppression, in particular:
• the September 1993 accords between the Israelis and Palestinians
• the birth of a non-racial and truly democratic society through the April 1994 elections in South Africa
• the peaceful transition to democracy in Malawi in 1994 where Baptists and other Christian leaders played a crucial and courageous role;
El Salvador
The Baptist World General Council, meeting in the Caribbean:
1. Has observed with profound concern and apprehension the continuing suffering and oppression of many in El Salvador;
2. Expresses its utmost sympathy with all those who are caught up in the present conflict.
The Middle East
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Seville, Spain, July 8-13, 2002:
DEPLORES the continuing violence in the Middle East;
LAMENTS the absence of peace for all the people of the Middle East;
NOTES that the absence of peace for the Middle East contributes to suffering throughout the world;
Balkans Reconciliation
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Dresden July 11-17, 1999
ACKNOWLEDGES with gratitude the speedy and continuing response by Baptist World Aid, other Baptist agencies, and various non-governmental organizations in providing relief to the victims of this conflict in the spirit of biblical teaching including Romans 12:14-21;
El Salvador
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Montego Bay, Jamaica, July 4-12, 19922;
HAVING received a report from the Baptist World Alliance Human Rights Delegation to El Salvador in January, 1992, and also from our Baptist sisters and brothers in that troubled country;