Balkans Reconciliation

Balkans Reconciliation

The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Dresden July 11-17, 1999

ACKNOWLEDGES with gratitude the speedy and continuing response by Baptist World Aid, other Baptist agencies, and various non-governmental organizations in providing relief to the victims of this conflict in the spirit of biblical teaching including Romans 12:14-21;

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Balkans Reconciliation

Jubilee 2000 Developments

The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Dresden July 11-17, 1999 RECALLS the 1998 General Council resolution endorsing the Jubilee 2000 initiative;
REJOICES in the developing success of this campaign, which seeks to encourage the forgiveness of debts by banks and government agencies to ensure a debt-free start to the next millennium for the poorest nations in the world;

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Balkans Reconciliation


The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Dresden July 11-17, 1999
OFFERS sincere thanks to the Union of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany and the local congregations of Dresden and vicinity for their warm welcome and generous hospitality;
ACKNOWLEDGES the gracious welcome to the State of Saxony given by Herr Gunther Portune, state secretary in the ministry of culture;

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