The Baptist World Alliance is a fellowship of almost 29 of the 33 million Baptists in the world. They represent many nations and widely differing cultures and ways of life and thought. It is neither within its power nor its function to direct, or rule on the internal affairs of the political or economic procedures of its constituent bodies or of their countries.
The Dispossessed
The Baptist World Alliance General Council expresses the deepest disquiet over the plight of the dispossessed and homeless peoples of the world.
We plead with all governments to avoid discriminatory policies against any of the peoples within their jurisdiction.
World Hunger (1979)
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, realizing that many of the world’s peoples are threatened by starvation — by famine, war and natural disaster which have contributed to their desperate plight — we cannot help but recognize the gospel mandate for Christian people to meet such urgent human need.
Theological Training and “The Seminary Fund”
Carl W. Tiller had been asked to prepare a report for the Council on efforts made in past years by Baptists of the world to provide theological training and to establish a theological seminary in the heart of Europe. His written report contained a history of a seminary fund for training in the Slavic languages, begun in 1908 by Baptists.
Religious Freedom and Human Rights
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, believing in the inherent right of all people to freedom of religious faith, practice, and propagation, and recognizing the rights of governments to require that such freedom shall be exercised responsibly, wishes once again to express its deep concern over present attitudes in many countries with respect to religious believers, involving in some cases, strong legislation against them.
Sources of Energy
We, the General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, urge on all governments and all members of our churches the need for careful and responsible husbanding of such resources, having in mind the effects of these shortages on the economies, especially of Third World countries and the requirements of succeeding generations.
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance wishes to express its appreciation of:
1. The royal welcome of our British Baptist brothers and sisters, whose thoughtful kindness has further endeared them to us. We will take back to our homes their gift to remind us of these days while life shall last.
Mrs. Victoria Tolbert
WHEREAS our sister in Christ, Victoria Tolbert, is incarcerated in Liberia following the death of her husband, William O. Tolbert, in a military coup, and
WHEREAS Mrs. Tolbert is a member of the Executive Committee of the Women’s Department of the Baptist World Alliance, and
WHEREAS Mrs. Tolbert was expected to participate in the women’s meetings of the Baptist World Congress in Toronto,
United Nations Declaration Concerning Religious “Intolerance and Discrimination”
Affirming the Baptist heritage of religious liberty which has, from its inception, upheld the right of all people to practice and propagate their religious faith without let or hindrance;
The International Year of Disabled Persons
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance:
1. Gives full support to the General Assembly of the United Nations in its proclaiming 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons with the keynote theme, “full participation and equality,” whose aim is to encourage the rehabilitation of an estimated 450 million people who suffer from some form of physical or mental impairment.