Recognizing the tragic needs of Nigeria at this time, the Executive Com-mittee of the Baptist World Alliance resolves to send the sum of $6,000 to help meet the needs of suffering people in Nigeria, as a first step. While acknowledging the sacrificial giving of some of its member bodies already to this cause through other agencies, the Executive Committee resolves to appeal immediately to all member bodies of the BWA to respond now to the present Nigerian crisis, by sending all available gifts to the BWA Relief Committee for this purpose.
World Relief and Rehabilitation
1. We the Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance in Baden near Vienna, Austria, August 2-6, 1969, are deeply concerned about the continuing need of the many people in the world who are suffering hunger and who are in need of necessities of life.
Support of Bible Societies
Whereas we give thanks to Almighty God for cooperation with other Chris-tian bodies in the areas of translation and Bible distribution and regard this as the evident workings of the Holy Spirit in our age; and,
The Absence of Our Cuban Brothers
Whereas die Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance is composed of members from Conventions and Unions of 68 countries in which a variety of opinions and policies are currently held, we thank God for the universal fellowship and brotherhood evident in the associations of the Baptist World Alli- ance, and
Communication with Eastern European Countries
1. We the Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Baden near Vienna, Austria, August 2-6, 1969 recognize with gratitude to God the presence of delegations from the following Eastern European countries: Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, U.S.S.R., Yugoslavia.
We the members of the Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Baden, 2-6 August 1969, resolve:
That we declare our sincere appreciation to the civic authorities of Baden for their ready co-operation and to Reisebüro Mondial, particularly to the director Mr. R. Kadanka, for their courtesy and service,
lutions ought to have been distributed among the Committee members, especially for those whose mother tongue was not English. Gill shared his concern and added that he wished a resolution had been included on race. Tulles felt also that documents should have been distributed. Nordenhaug explained that due to technical difficulties there had been no opportunity to have the resolutions duplicated.
The Relief Committee of the Baptist World Alliance records its sincere appreciation of the signal service rendered by Dr. R. Dean Goodwin during the years of his chairmanship of the Committee. His guidance of the Com-mittee’s effort was marked by the spirit of Christian compassion for human suffering, tragedy and need; by a thorough knowledge of our Baptist World agencies and of the resources of Christian aid available through these.
Mrs. Helen Fling, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee appointed on Thursday night, presented the following:
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of the BWA Executive Committee, publicly express gratitude:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we all return to our countries to dedicate ourselves afresh to the service of God, to the proclamation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to be agents of the reconciling love of God to all men everywhere.