Chair: Steve Asante Vice Chair: Eddie Hallock The Commission on Evangelism reflects on the church's calling to live out and share the Gospel of salvation in and through Jesus Christ. It assists the churches in affirming and fulfilling their evangelistic vocation by...

Commission on Doctrine & Christian Unity
Chair: Timothy George Vice Chair: Anna Maffei The Commission on Baptist Doctrine and Christian Unity identifies, reflects on, and clarifies issues of doctrine that are important to Baptists. It analyzes the causes of disunity among Baptists and promotes ways to...
Commission on Christian Ethics
Chair: Richard Wilson Vice Chair: Yvonne Martinez Thorne The Commission on Christian Ethics identifies and reflects on issues of personal and social morality with a view to furthering practical Christian discipleship in both the church and the world. It makes its...
Commission on Baptist Worship and Spirituality
Chair: Leslie Hollon Vice Chair: Joel Sierra The Commission on Baptist Worship and Spirituality reflects on the understanding and practice of worship and spirituality among Baptists with a view to encouraging appropraite corporate responses to God's gracious care...
Commission on Baptist Heritage and Identity
Visit the website for the Commission on Baptist Heritage & Identity Chair: Craig Sherouse Vice Chair: Cawley Bolt The Commission on Baptist Heritage and Identity seeks to clarify issues pertaining to the heritage and identity of the Baptist family with a view...
Bread of Life
Bread of Life Strategy | Apply! | Past Events 2010-2015 | Worship Resources | Brochure Pan de vida estrategia | Aplicar! Estratégia “Pão da Vida” | Preencher Formulário do Projeto Pillars/Purpose The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit (in line with the BWA Theme for...
Baptist Colleges, Seminaries, and Bible Schools
Argentina Instituto Bautista de FormaciónAv. Libertador 1140 (1425)ArgentinaPhone: 54+11+48067700Fax: 54+11+48067699Email: [email protected]: Member Body: Asociación Bautista Argentina Seminario Internacional...

Baptist Fund for World Evangelization & Discipleship
The Baptist Fund for World Evangelization and Discipleship (BFWED) is aimed at: Supporting selected projects of evangelism and discipleship of BWA member bodies Enabling regional fellowships and BWA member bodies to sponsor international and national conferences on...
Commission on Peace & Reconciliation The Commission on Peace explores how the BWA and its member bodies may facilitate reconciliation and peace in situations of conflict. Commission Updates April 26, 2014: The Commission on Peace has had to say goodbye to one of...
Religious Freedom
Commission on Religious Freedom The Commission on Religious Freedom supports the BWA and its member bodies in their advocacy for the protection of fundamental human rights for people of all faiths, especially for Baptists and other Christians who experience or face...