Baptist World Aid and the Poor in God’s World

Baptist World Aid and the Poor in God’s World

The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering, meeting in Accra, Ghana, July 2-7, 2007:
Renews its decision made at the General Council in Seoul, Korea, 2004, to strengthen the capacity of aid and development agencies, such as Baptist World Aid, to make a biblically- shaped response to the needs of the poor and oppressed in line with the Micah Challenge campaign to support the UN initiative of 2000 on the Millennium Development Goals to halve the level of world poverty by 2015;

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Baptist World Aid and the Poor in God’s World

World Hunger (1980)

Realizing that many of the world’s peoples are threatened by starvation caused by famine, war, and natural disaster, we recognize the gospel mandate for Christian people to be involved in meeting this urgent human need, and, therefore,
We encourage mission agencies and related church bodies to assist peoples to increase food production and to engage in teaching good nutrition, particularly where people are undernourished.

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