The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-6:
AFFIRMS that women and girls are created in the image of God and invested with inestimable worth and dignity as gifts from God, and are essential to the health and vitality of families, churches, communities, and national life;
Religious Liberty in Spain
Gerhard Claas presented this resolution. Considerable discussing arose regarding the use of various words and phrases. However, MOTION was made, seconded, and carried, that the resolution on religious liberty in Spain be approved as presented by the Resolutions Committee:
Hospitality may be described as the gracious art of anticipating certain human needs and meeting them with cordiality. Hospitality is a virtue to which the Bible gives high commendation. When we see it demonstrated by those of our own day and generation we likewise commend it. When it is extended to us personally we are especially grateful.
The Situation of the Baptist Union in Spain
The Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Hamburg, Germany, August 17-21, 1964, has received with rejoicing and thanksgiving to God the report that our Baptist brethren in Spain now enjoy a greater degree of freedom than heretofore. The reopening of Evangelical churches, and other evidences, indicate considerable improvement in the situation in that nation. The authorities there are due our commendation for these progressive steps.
The second resolution expressed appreciation for the hospitality enjoyed by the Executive Committee in Hamburg and for those who prepared and led the meeting:
Nuclear Test Ban
RESOLUTION ON NUCLEAR TEST BAN. Mimeographed copies of a proposed resolution on Nuclear Tests were passed out. Tulles reported that a committee appointed by the Administrative Committee had drafted this statement for the approval of the Executive Committee. Te committee had consisted of Binns, Ivanov, Stassen, Payne, Tolbert, Tulles, Y. Zhidkov, and Nordenhaug.
Letter to the Government of Rumania
To give effect to the foregoing resolution (I), the Committee unanimously approved (after similar scrutiny
by the Sub-Committee) the following letter to the Minister-President of the Government of Rumania: —
Restrictions on Immigration
WHEREAS, there are in camps in Germany, Italy, and Austria, nearly a million displaced persons of various denominations, composed of men, women, and children, 80% of whom are Christians, and 20% Jews, including 150,000 children below the age of 17, and;
CALLS on Baptists to a more dedicated obedience to Christ’s Great Commission in view of the rapidly increasing world population, the technological challenges in many lands in the nuclear age, the revival of non-Christian religions, and the challenge of modern ideologies.
Statement on Angola
The Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Wake Forest, North Carolina, U. S.
A., June 27-29, is shocked and grieved at the reliable and continuing reports of offenses against basic
rights, dignity, property and life itself occurring in Angola.