Racism in General and Apartheid in Particular

Racism in General and Apartheid in Particular

The Baptist World Congress, meeting in Los Angeles, CA, July 2-7, 1985, declares its belief that racism and the Christian Gospel are incompatible. We ground this conviction biblically in the doctrine of creation whereby every human person is given dignity as made in the image of God (Genesis 1 :27) and in the doctrine of redemption whereby we proclaim salvation in Christ, crucified and risen, for people of all races and colors (Colossians 3:11), and the external purpose of God to unite all creation in him (Ephesians 1 and 2).

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Racism in General and Apartheid in Particular


163. Professor A.T. Ohrn, Norway, moved the following Resolution on “Racialism”
“This Congress representing the world-wide, inter-racial fellowship of Baptists, rejoices to know that despite all differences of race, there is in Christ an all-embracing unity, so that in Him it can be claimed with deepest truth there is ‘neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free, but Christ is all in all.’

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Racism in General and Apartheid in Particular

Thanks to Swedish Baptists

Deeply appreciating the painstaking efforts of our Swedish brethren in the long work of preparation for this the third session of the Baptist World Alliance, and mindful especially of the faithful services of love rendered by Dr. C. E. Benander, Dr. J. Bystrom, the Rev. K. A. Modén, and others, who for many months have worked so untiringly for its success, we count it a distinct pleasure to register our cordial thanks. We are sure that nothing has been lacking in the preparations, and that no pains have been spared to ensure the comfort and welfare of the hundreds of delegates in attendance.

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