Baptist World Alliance, BWA News Release

Former General Secretary’s Visits

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Sri Lanka

In July 2017, the general secretary made an official visit to the Sri Lanka Baptist Union (Sangamaya).

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Sierra Leone

In February 2017, the general secretary made an official visit to the Baptist Convention of Sierra Leone.

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In December 2016 the general secretary spoke at the commencement service for East Texas Baptist University (ETBU).
Below he is pictured with ETBU President Dr. J. Blair Blackburn.

Former General Secretary's Visits

Egyptian Delegation

In October 2016, the general secretary was pleased to greet the Egyptian delegation led by Andrea Stephanous, (third right), President of the Protestant Churches of Egypt to the BWA office. With him were Jennifer Cate (second left), Executive Director of Hands along the Nile Development Services, Inc. and General Director of Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) and Samira Luka (right) and her associate Michael El Daba (left) from CEOSS.

Former General Secretary's Visits

Sweden’s Commission for Government Support for Faith Communities

In October 2016, the general secretary met with Sweden’s Commission for Government Support for Faith Communities. The government agency provides support for faith communities.

Former General Secretary's Visits

Himalayan Baptist Church, Germantown, Maryland, USA

In September 2016, the general secretary met with Rev. Dr. Prakash Meghi Gurung of Himalayan Baptist Church at the BWA office.

Former General Secretary's Visits


In August 2016, the general secretary attended the General Assembly of All Africa Baptist Fellowship in Accra, Ghana.

Below, the wife of the Ghanaian President addresses the AABF 2016 Assembly.

Former General Secretary's Visits

Below, leaders of the Ghana Baptist Convention together with BWA President, Paul Msiza, General Secretary Callam, and Past President of the Baptist Union, Kingsley Appiagyei.

Former General Secretary's Visits


In August 2016, the general secretary attended the 6th Assembly of the Baptist Convention of Namibia where he spoke on Baptist beliefs,  presence and mission around the world
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In November 2015 the General Secretary spoke at the 40th anniversary of the St. George’s Baptist Church and by extension the Grenada Baptist Association.

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 Emmanuel Baptist Church of Ethiopia Former General Secretary's Visits

The General Secretary recently hosted Jima Dilbo, President of Emmanuel Baptist Church of Ethiopia, at the BWA Office. The Emmanuel Baptist Church of Ethiopia joined the BWA in 2014. This new member body has 60 churches with 35,000 members.

 BWA Women’s Department

Former General Secretary's Visits

In September the General Secretary met with leaders of the BWA Women’s Department (BWA WD). Pictured left to right: Moreen Sharp – North American Baptist Women’s Union President, Kathy James – BWA WD Secretary/Treasurer, Neville Callam – BWA General Secretary, Ksenija Magda – BWA WD President, Precy Caronongan – Asian Baptist Women’s Union President.


Callam attended the Taizé Community’s Jubilee events.

The General Secretary with Elke May, Father Alois, Thorsten May, Jim Johnson and Jubaraj Das

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South Africa

Callam with Baptist Convention of Kenya General Secretary Peter Olonapa at the Baptist Union of Southern Africa (BUSA) assembly in Port Shepstone on July 20, 2015. BUSA General Secretary Angelo Scheepers and his wife, Naomi, share lens with Olonapa.
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Washington, DC, USA

Callam participated in the Jamaica 2015 Emancipation Service in Washington, D.C.

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Progressive National Baptist Convention

Former General Secretary's Visits

Rev. Dr. James C. Perkins, president of the Progressive National Baptist Convention (PNBC), paid a courtesy call on the BWA general secretary at the BWA Office in Falls Church, Virginia, USA. In the photograph above, Dr. Perkins and Dr. Kip Banks, interim general secretary of the PNBC pose in the BWA library around a sculpture of Jesus praying in the Garden of Eden. The person who posed for the sculpture was the Rev. Dr. L. Vencheal Booth, whom Christianity Today (March, 2002) described as “the man most responsible for the founding of the PNBC.”


Callam fellowships with German Baptists celebrating the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall

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The Netherlands

Callam gathers with General Secretaries of Christian World Communions in Amersfoort, The Netherlands
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California, USA

In October 2014 the General Secretary addressed the American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles Annual Meeting in Glendale, California

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The 2014 BWA Annual Gathering in Izmir, Turkey

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Callam attended the centenary celebrations of the Nigerian Baptist Convention in April/May 2014

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Callam attended meetings in Ethiopia in May 2014 that founded the Fellowship of Baptists in Ethiopia formed by seven autonomous groups in the country that were coming together for the first time.
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Caribbean Baptist Fellowship

The General Secretary  attended the Caribbean Baptist Fellowship Executive Committee in Prospect, St Vincent & the Grenadines. Below, the General Secretary with delegates attending the CBF Executive Meeting.

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The General Secretary  made a visit to the Union of Free Evangelical and Baptist Churches of Estonia. While there, he met with one of the leaders of Parliament, addressed the Baptist union’s Mission Conference in Tartu, preached at Kalju Baptist Church in Tallinn and  was presented a gift at the end of the mission conference

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EBF Council 2013

Callam attended the European Baptist Federation (EBF) Council meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia. Pictures include his address to the council, he leading prayer for new EBF President Otniel Bunaciu, with EBF General Secretary Tony Peck and former EBF President Hans Guderian and his wife, Astrid, and with the leadership of the European Baptist Women’s Union

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Baptist-Methodist Dialogue

In August 2013, following the Executive Committee’s reauthorization to engage in dialogue with the World Methodist Council (WMC), a meeting was held between the BWA and the WMC. The small BWA team comprising General Secretary Callam, Doctrine and Christian Unity Commission Chair Timothy George, Curtis Freeman and Stephen Holmes met with a similar team from the WMC to set out the timetable and agenda for the dialogue.

Below, the BWA delegation together with  Tim Mcquiban in London.

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In March 2009 the General Secretary made an official visit to Oleksandr Turchynov when he was deputy prime minister of Ukraine. Turchynov, a Baptist church elder, is the now the interim president of the country.

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The Baptist World Alliance, founded in 1905, is a fellowship of 266 conventions and unions in 134 countries and territories comprising 51 million baptized believers in 178,000 churches. For more than 100 years, the Baptist World Alliance has networked the Baptist family to impact the world for Christ with a commitment to strengthen worship, fellowship and unity; lead in mission and evangelism; respond to people in need through aid, relief, and community development; defend religious freedom, human rights, and justice; and advance theological reflection and leadership development.