Union of Evangelical Free Churches (Baptists) in Germany

(Bund Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden in Deutschland K.d.ö.R.)





Bundesgeschäftsstelle Johann Gerhard Oncken Str. 7 14641 Wustermark GERMANY


Phone: +49 33 234 74 103
Fax: +49 33 234 74 199
Website: www.befg.de


President: Michael Noss
General Secretary: Christoph Stiba


  • February 2023
    We join with union leadership in giving thanks for 27 church planting projects, a fruitful mission conference at the beginning of the year, and opportunities to help people in need in Germany and worldwide.

Prayer Requests

  • February 2023
    We join with German Baptists in prayer for:
    • ways to respond to the polarizations in ethical and social issues and that Christians will be known as people who contribute to reconciliation and not fuel conflicts
    • the future plans and impact of the Union of Evangelical Free Churches (Baptists) in Germany through “Our Union 2025 – Shaping the Future”
    • for Iranians in the country and their families
    • for enthusiasm of the churches for the Gospel and a love for people through the Spirit of God.

BWA President Tomás Mackey is pictured during his visit to Elstal Theological University in Berlin, Germany, in 2021.

Union of Evangelical Free Churches (Baptists) in Germany