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2023 Global Impact Day

Celebrating the Lord’s Work through the Baptist World Alliance

Evangelism Month

A Global Commitment to Share the Gospel

In October 2021, the BWA executive voted to observe May of each year as Evangelism Emphasis Month in collaboration with other Christian Communions under the umbrella of the GoDecade Movement.

Pentecost Prayer Marathon

Praying for a Pentecost Movement

Wednesday, May 24, 9:00 am Eastern Daylight Time

BFAD Webinar Series

The Church’s Response in Times of Crisis

Hosted By

BWA Forum for Aid and Development (BFAD)
June 1, 2023 8:00 AM
Eastern Standard Time (EST)

2023 Annual Gathering & Mission Summit

2023 Annual Gathering & Mission Summit

July 2-9, 2023 | Stavanger, Norway

The Baptist World Alliance and the European Baptist Federation is collaborating to offer an incredible baptist annual gathering global experience.

2023 Annual Gathering

The 2023 Annual Gathering global Baptist experience is a collaboration of Baptist World Alliance and the European Baptist Federation.

Evangelism Month

The BWA leads with a passionate compelling commitment to Gospel witness, through this Evangelism Month in every place and among all people.

2022 Annual Gathering

Baptist leaders’ Annual Gathering from around the world will meet for this powerful time of prayer, fellowship, learning, and planning together.

BWA Holistic Mission Guide Webinar Registration (Part 2)

BWA Holistic Mission Guide Webinar Registration (Part 2)

Holistic Mission Webinar: Part Two Baptist World Alliance Webinar SeriesBWA Commission on MissionIn response to the global impact of COVID-19 on the mission of the church, the Baptist World Alliance developed and released a Holistic Mission Guide (request your free...

How to Implement a Digital Evangelism Strategy

How to Implement a Digital Evangelism Strategy

How to Implement a Digital Evangelism Strategy Baptist World Alliance WebinarsBWA Department of Integral MissionWe live in a digital age, so how should the Church respond? In this session, we will explore why all churches should pursue the development of a digital...

2020 BWA Day

2020 BWA Day

BWA Day2020 BWA Day To all our Baptist brothers and sisters around the world, we greatly value your prayers and faithful partnership with us, so we have created a few simple resources for you to utilize this year within your homes, churches, ministries, unions, and...

Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award Nomination Form

Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award Nomination Form

2017 DENTON AND JANICE LOTZ HUMAN RIGHTS AWARDNOMINATION FORM Purpose of Award: This award is given for significant and effective activities to secure, protect, restore, or preserve human rights as they are stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or in...

Human Rights Day 2014

Human Rights Day 2014

About |  Liturgy | Press Release| General Resources | Share With Us | Past Resources| Contact  For more than twenty years, the Baptist World Alliance has encouraged Baptist congregations around the world to observe Human Rights Day. The date coincides with the...

21st Baptist World Congress

21st Baptist World Congress

General Information:  Welcome to the 21st Baptist World Congress! News FeedDurban, South AfricaBlog July 22-26, 2015 JESUS CHRIST, THE DOOR    Photo Gallery Videos Press InformationMedia...

Human Rights Day 2012

Human Rights Day 2012

Nigeria Prayer Requests / Litany  / Bible Verses / Hymns /Other Resources  18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,     because he has anointed me    to proclaim good news to the poor.He has sent me to...

2012 Annual Gathering

2012 Annual Gathering

Edgar Pelacios responds to receiving the Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award while his daughter and General Council member Raul Scialabia share the moment Rothang Chhangte addresses the General Council after being formally appointed as the director of Baptist...

BWA Day 2018 

BWA Day 2018 

Baptist World Alliance Day 2018 is February 2/3, 2019, a day Baptists are encouraged to worship together and pray for one another in their churches next year. Click here to listen to a podcast with Kathe Traynham, Associate Director for Promotion & Development...

Executive Committee Meeting

Executive Committee Meeting

General Information  |  Draft Program  |  Registration  |  Accommodations  |  Local Information Special Events  |  Executive Committee News & Updates  |   Contact Us General Information EVENT: BWA Executive Committee LOCATION: Baptist World Alliance 405 N....