Annual Gathering | Baptist World Alliance

2024 Jährliche Versammlung

7.-12. Juli 2024 | Lagos, Nigeria

Here’s a recap of what happened in the
2024 BWA-Jahrestagung

BICTE 10th Baptist International Conference on Theological Education
10th Baptist International Conference on Theological Education

Held once each quinquennium, the Baptist International Conference on Theological Education (BICTE) draws together Baptist theologians, theological educators and with special guest speakers with an interest in the theme:
?Blessed are the Peacemakers: Becoming Agents of Peace?.

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BWA_BWA International Humanitarian Action and Development course is a three-day introductory, multidisciplinary intensive.
BWA International Humanitarian Action and Development Intensive Course

The BWA International Humanitarian Action and Development course is a three-day introductory, multidisciplinary intensive course taught by global Baptist humanitarian aid professionals from leading international Baptist aid and development agencies who are committed to walking alongside the Church in times of crises.

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Zusammenfassung der Jahresversammlung 2023

Wir preisen Gott für die unglaubliche Woche, die wir im wunderschönen Stavanger, Norwegen, erlebt haben, als wir uns als Volk in Mission zur diesjährigen Jahresversammlung versammelten! Über 500 angemeldete Teilnehmer aus 82 Ländern trafen sich zu Gottesdienst, Gebet, Gemeinschaft und Lehre.