The Baptist World Alliance General Council expresses the deepest disquiet over the plight of the dispossessed and homeless peoples of the world.
We plead with all governments to avoid discriminatory policies against any of the peoples within their jurisdiction.
Refugees and Immigration
BWA General Council Resolution 2008.7 The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, July 20- 25, 2008; Recognizes the global growth of refugee migration and international relocation with more than 67 million current refugees and...
Involuntary Fingerprinting of Roma People in Italy
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, July 20- 25, 2008;
Laments that the Italian government, without objection of the European Union, is practicing the involuntary fingerprinting of all Roma people within its borders, including children, which we regard as ethnic profiling;
Resolution on Preserving the Primacy of Family in Immigration
The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-6, 2018:
RECOGNIZES that the human desire to preserve and protect one’s family from violence, disease, economic depravity, and other threatening conditions is universal and drives millions of people to leave their homelands seeking better lives for themselves and their family members;
Humanitarian Crisis of the Mass Migration of Unaccompanied Minors in the Americas
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance {BWA), meeting in Izmir, Turkey, July 9-11, 2014:
ACKNOWLEDGES the human tragedy of the recent flood of unaccompanied minors to the United States who risk their lives in search of safety, economic resources and justice;
Resolution concerning the Jews
“Aware of the unprecedented suffering through which the people of Israel have passed during recent years, millions of them being exterminated by the most inhuman means; aware also that these sufferings are not yet at an end, but that hundreds of thousands are still in concentration camps or wandering homeless from land to land; aware, further, that the poisonous propaganda and destructive designs of anti- Semitism are still at work in many lands: this Congress puts on record its sense of sorrow and shame that such conditions prevail.
Resolution on Displaced Persons
BWA World Congress Resolution 1947.4 “This B.W.A. Congress at Copenhagen, assembled from many lands and representing many peoples, deeply concerned at the condition of the D.P.’s in many camps in Germany, Austria, and other countries, remembering that those who...
Resolution on Underprivileged Persons
We believe that all people of the world have one Father and that one God has created us all and that it is God’s will that all of His people should share in the conditions that provide for freedom, self- determination, technical knowledge, and the materials necessary to the life of persons whom God has created to fulfil His purposes.
Feeling the deepest disquiet over the plight of the homeless peoples of the world,
We plead with all governments to give care and human rights to the dispossessed peoples within their jurisdiction so they may live with hope and security within their own country.
The Fortieth Anniversary of the United Nations
This 15th Baptist World Congress 1985 takes note of the 40th anniversary of the United Nations this year and records with gratitude the many UN activities in addition to seeking peace which are directed to improving the quality of life among the nations of the world.