Tagged as Freedom | Baptist World Alliance
Message to Baptist Churches Throughout the World

Prayer and Concern for the Eastern Part of Europe and the Soviet Union

THANKFUL to God for the positive changes that have taken place in Eastern Europe and the whole of the Soviet Union, including the increasing freedom experienced in many aspects of the life of these nations,
THANKFUL particularly for those places where greater freedom of religion has been evidenced and new opportunities for evangelization and theological education have been made possible,

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Message to Baptist Churches Throughout the World

South Africa

The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Nassau, the Bahamas, July 1988:
Reaffirms its resolution dealing with apartheid adopted at its meeting in Los Angeles in 1985, and
Urges the Baptist Union and the Baptist Convention of Southern Africa to challenge the evil of apartheid by their own example of reconciliation and full equality within their own churches and the extended Christian family as well as their society.

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Message to Baptist Churches Throughout the World

Openness in the Soviet Union

Today we commend Christians in the Soviet Union, and especially Baptists, for their positive contributions, faithfully made in season and out, to their country’s morality, culture and history.
For many years the Baptist World Alliance has appealed to the government of the USSR to permit a larger measure of religious freedom for its people.

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