MOTION was made and seconded, and carried
32GC76 that the following resolution be adopted:
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Melbourne, Australia, resolves
MOTION by W. A. Criswell was seconded, and carried 33GC76 that the following resolution be adopted:
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance resolves to place on record, as the European Office of the Baptist World Alliance is transferred from London, England, to Hamburg, Germany, its sincere and warm appreciation of the significant contribution made to the Baptist World Alliance by the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland from its inception and throughout its history,
Relief and Development Programs
MOTION by Roy Bell was seconded, and carried
34GC76 that the following resolution, and all pending amendments, be referred to the Executive Committee for consideration.
Since certain governments engage in programs of relief and development beyond their boundaries, and in so doing use their own and other governmental agencies, national voluntary agencies, but do not use international voluntary agencies; and
Food Aid as a Political Instrument
MOTION by W. A. Criswell was seconded, and carried 35GC76 that the following resolution be adopted:
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, believing that the feeding of the starving and the undernourished ought not to be limited to people whose governments are closely allied to donor governments, and recognizing that some governments have used, or have been under pressure to use relief,
Peace Conference
5 MOTION was made, seconded, amended, and carried 36GC76 that the following resolution be adopted:
The General Council, having learned of the preparations to hold a World Conference in 1977, involving representation from all the major religions of the world, entitled “World Conference of Religious Workers for Lasting Peace, Disarmament, and Just Relations Among Nations,”
BE IT RESOLVED that we show our appreciation to the Baptist people of Miami, especially the staff and congregation of the Central Baptist Church of Miami, and the Miami Baptist Association for their fine hospitality.
WHEREAS the General Secretary and staff of the BWA have served the meeting with outstanding efficiency and courtesy, thereby facilitating the speedy and effective work of this Council,
Charismatic Movement
WHEREAS the Commission on Doctrine and Inter-Church Cooperation has for a number of years devoted some of its attention to the charismatic movement, we request the Commission to provide the 1978 BWA General Council such summary statement and guidelines for our Baptist fellowship as they deem appropriate.
Human Rights
WHEREAS the Commission on Freedom, Justice, and Peace has for a number of years devoted some of its attention to the issues of human rights, we request the Commission to provide the 1978 BWA General Council such summary statement and guidelines as they deem appropriate.
Testing of Nuclear Weapons
WHEREAS the Baptist World Congress, held in Tokyo in 1970, called for International “agreements for the limitation of both offensive and defensive strategic weapons” and for “immediate agreements to suspend the further deployment of all offensive and defensive nuclear strategic weapons systems, subject to national verification or such other measures of observation and inspection as may be appropriate,”