EC74 that our sincere appreciation to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. McCall, the staff, students, and others who helped, be expressed in the Minutes of this meeting.
BWA Executive Committee Resolution 1963-08.1 We, who have been visiting Baylor University in connection with the 1963 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance, desire to express our sincere appreciation to all who have made our visit so...
The second resolution expressed appreciation for the hospitality enjoyed by the Executive Committee in Hamburg and for those who prepared and led the meeting:
Hospitality may be described as the gracious art of anticipating certain human needs and meeting them with cordiality. Hospitality is a virtue to which the Bible gives high commendation. When we see it demonstrated by those of our own day and generation we likewise commend it. When it is extended to us personally we are especially grateful.
Adolfs Klaupiks
We the members of the Executive Committee gathered at the annual meeting in Liberia heartily express to Adolfs Klaupiks our brotherly gratitude for his service on the Relief Committee of the Baptist World Alliance for so many years.
Sir Donald Finnemore
Be it therefore resolved that we express our appreciation to Sir Donald Finnemore for his long and faithful service to the Baptist World Alliance, that we extend to him our gratitude for the portrait of Dr. Clifford, and that we request that the General Secretary of the Baptist World Alliance communicate to Sir Donald Finnemore these expressions of the Executive Committee.
That we express our deepest gratitude to Dr. William R. Tolbert, Jr., President of the Baptist World Alliance, Vice President of Liberia, and Presi-dent of the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention, and Mrs. Tolbert for being the perfect host and hostess, and
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance takes note with deep sorrow of the violent death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior. They recall with thanksgiving his strong compassion for the underprivileged and oppressed, his unshakable courage in the pursuit of what he believed to be right, and his advocacy of a non-violent solution to evils and injustices in society.
We the members of the Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Baden, 2-6 August 1969, resolve:
That we declare our sincere appreciation to the civic authorities of Baden for their ready co-operation and to Reisebüro Mondial, particularly to the director Mr. R. Kadanka, for their courtesy and service,
The Relief Committee of the Baptist World Alliance records its sincere appreciation of the signal service rendered by Dr. R. Dean Goodwin during the years of his chairmanship of the Committee. His guidance of the Com-mittee’s effort was marked by the spirit of Christian compassion for human suffering, tragedy and need; by a thorough knowledge of our Baptist World agencies and of the resources of Christian aid available through these.