Job and Phoebe Santiago partnered with local, national, and global faith communities to mobilize an emergency response in the Philippines at the outbreak of COVID-19.
Finding Hope in a Pandemic
Learn about a specific relief response in Rwanda made possible through global partnerships.
The Strategic Place of the Local Church in Global Relief
Jilia Bowering celebrates the local church’s unique ability to respond to the world’s largest crises with prayerful, contextual, and collaborative integral mission.
The Mission of the Church – Evangelism and Discipleship
The author explains how her church answered the call of discipleship and evangelism in a village setting by writing, printing, and sharing sermons.
Igreja e Resposta à Crise: Uma História de vitória e adaptação à nova realidade
O pastor Nivaldo Aparecido Cavallari conta como eles viram a fidelidade de Deus na vida de sua igreja durante a pandemia.
La Iglesia y la Respuesta a la Crisis: el Trabajo con los Migrantes
El pastor Manuel Castillo analiza cómo la Primera Iglesia Evangélica Bautista de Lima y su “Ministerio del Amor” respondieron a las necesidades de los migrantes venezolanos.
Church and Crisis Response: A Story of Victory and Adaptation to the New Reality
Pastor Nivaldo Aparecido Cavallari shares how they have seen the faithfulness of God in the life of their church during the pandemic.
The Church and the Response to Crisis: Working with Migrants
Pastor Manuel Castillo discusses how the First Evangelical Baptist Church of Lima and their “Ministry of Love” responded to the needs of Venezuelan migrants.