All Mission Guide | Baptist World Alliance

All Mission Guide

The Church’s Response in Times of Crisis
Global Baptist leaders from more than 20 countries contributed articles and videos that share insights gained in the crucible of crisis.

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The Baptist World Alliance is comprised of six regional fellowships and has 241 member bodies in 128 countries and territories. The planning committee for the BWA Holistic Mission Guide initiative sought contributions from each of the regions to ensure the diversity of the global Baptist family was faithfully represented.

Click on the map below to search for content based on the contributor’s region, with options including All Africa Baptist Fellowship, Asia Pacific Baptist Federation, Caribbean Baptist Fellowship, European Baptist Federation, North American Baptist Fellowship, and Union of Baptists in Latin America.

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Theological Reflection

A Future for Church?

Mark Craig shares insights into positive changes that are emerging as churches pivot in the wake of our new reality.


Grassroots Stories

Light in the Dark, Tiny Room

Miqlat Ministry Director Asha Sanchu shares about a miraculous and spontaneous prayer service in the midst of a crowded, smoke-filled bar.

A Society’s Outpouring of Kindness

Sophia Williams details numerous acts of kindness in Jamaica amid the COVID-19 pandemic and reflects on the demonstration of compassion and justice in our society.

Ser Igreja fora do templo

Lília Dias Marianno compartilha como a Igreja Batista de Água Branca respondeu à pandemia global.

Practical Guidelines

Church Budget Planning in a Pandemic

Dr. Matt Cook draws from more than twenty-five years in ministry to outline three ways to plan financially and be good stewards in uncertain times.

The Mission of the Church

Deiser Campos responds to the question: “Do we have a Church in the middle of a crisis or a crisis in the middle of a Church?”

Video Resources

Global Baptist leaders share ministry insights learned in the last year and how they can be integrated within your context.