Evangelism Month | Baptist World Alliance

Evangelism Month

A Global Commitment to Share the Gospel

2023 Evangelism Month

In October 2021, the BWA executive voted to observe May of each year as Evangelism Month in collaboration with other Christian Communions under the umbrella of the GoDecade Movement. The need for evangelism intensification is urgent considering that of the seven billion people in the world, an estimated three billion are unreached people groups with little to no access to the Gospel.

In addition, even though the BWA grew by 29% in the last decade, there were some regions that experienced decline. In addressing the plenary session on mission at the most recent Baptist World Congress, General Secretary Elijah Brown remarked: “In a world with three billion still unreached with the saving gospel of Christ, we still believe every Baptist a missionary – together in Christ, together in mission.”

Therefore, it will require the whole church to share the whole gospel to the whole world so more people may come to know Christ as Savior. Compelled by the Great Commission, the BWA leads with a passionate commitment to Gospel witness, through this Evangelism Month, in every place and among all people, conscious that it is the vocation of the church to share the good news of Christ. Christopher Wright contended that evangelism is central to the mission of God because it connects us to the centrality of the Gospel which is the good news of what God has done to save the world. The church’s mission includes every member even though there are diverse giftings and callings. Therefore the call for a united and collaborative effort to mobilize and equip every Baptist to witness and lead others into a saving knowledge of Christ is urgent. Baptists are called upon during the month to:

Share in united prayers for the salvation of souls.
Participate in an online training course on evangelism.
Mobilize Baptists to lead at least one person to Christ.
Engage in community outreach.
Set the stage for ongoing discipleship.

Share Your Faith

Join with millions who are reaching out to family, friends, colleagues, and communities with the love of Jesus. Choose five people to pray for throughout May and share the Gospel with them.

Spread the Word

Access a variety of flyers and other resources to help you spread the word about this global movement. Click to browse through the promotional assets folder.

Send a Gospel Story

Be part of our “Power of the Gospel” video series! Send a story / video of how you have experienced the power of God when sharing your faith. Contact us for details.

Introduction Video

Watch this brief video from Rev. Everton Jackson, BWA Director of Integral Mission, to learn more about this Evangelism Month initiative.

Barbados Evangelism Explosion

Throughout the month of May, numerous evangelistic initiatives happening across the globe. Please pray for a time of renewal and revival as people gather in Barbados for a series of evangelistic services. BWA Director of Integral Mission Everton Jackson will be serving at the services alongside Baptist leaders and members from Barbados.
BWA Barbados Evangelism Explosion_May 19-24, 2024

Evangelism Training Manuals

Evangelism Training Videos (English)

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Day 1

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Day 1

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Day 3

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Day 4

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Day 5

Evangelism Training (Spanish)

Evangelism Training (Portuguese)