Youth Department | Baptist World Alliance



The Mission of the BWA Youth Department is to promote fellowship, spread the Gospel, support and encourage Christian values among young people around the world, and assist in the development of servant leaders.

The Department therefore seeks to:

  1. Act as an agent for reconciliation and for the expression of Baptist principles throughout the world.
  2. Develop and train young people to effectively lead the church, equipping them with the necessary tools needed to meet the challenges facing this generation.
  3. Create a holistic approach to ministry, calling Baptist young people to total commitment and spiritual accountability.
  4. Help young people recognize the individual opportunities and responsibility in the worldwide mission of the church
  5. Provide opportunity for Baptist young people to know each other better and thus work cooperatively to fulfill the Great Commission.
  6. Be supportive of the Baptist World Alliance, and work in close cooperation with the Alliance in all its activities.

The Baptist World Alliance Youth Department works in four areas:

  1. Awareness
  2. Inspiration
  3. Fellowship
  4. Equipping

Youth Regional Fellowships

Youth World Day of Prayer


The Youth World Day of Prayer is an annual event held on the second Sunday in June. Young people around the world are encouraged to plan services that reflect upon the importance of prayer and to intercede on behalf of others.

It is a time to celebrate the unity we share as believers in Jesus Christ and to seek a deeper relationship with Christ. It is also a time to contribute to our Annual Prayer Offering. This offering is used to assist with mission projects involving young people around the world and leadership development training. To access a youth-focused liturgy, click here.



Find out more about the origins and impact of the BWA Youth Department. 

Youth Conference History

Click to find out more about the history of the Baptist Youth Conference.

For more than a decade, Horizons has been providing training for youth and children’s ministry leaders. To make this resource accessible to even more Baptists around the world, the BWA Horizons team launched a new, mobile-optimized website this year. Now all you need is a phone with an internet connection to access this 24-module online training.

Visit to get started!

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