Financial Accountability at the Baptist World Alliance | Baptist World Alliance

We accept the grave responsibility to be faithful stewards and to maintain integrity and openness in our financial practices. Therefore, we are committed to fulfilling sound, Biblical standards regarding the funding of our ministries.

Because organizations, churches, and individuals supply the funds that enable our ministries, we recognize our accountability both to God who is the ultimate provider and to our donors. We mean to be faithful stewards maintaining transparency and integrity in all matters.

The following documents are available for viewing or downloading:

2017 Audit | 2016 Audit | 2015 Audit |2014 Audit  | 2013 Audit  | 2012 Audit | 2011 Audit |  2010 Audit | 2009 Audit  | 2008 Audit   

2015 Annual Report               

If you have any questions, please call us at +1 703-790-8980 ext 171.