Theological Reflection & Leadership Development | Baptist World Alliance

Theological Reflection & Leadership Development

Ministry Area: Theological Reflection & Leadership Development
Ministry Area: Theological Reflection & Leadership Development

Called to discipleship, we advance multicultural and multilingual training, empower next generation leaders, encourage meaningful dialogue and praxis, and engage in relevant theological reflection and transformational leadership. 

Primary Ministry Programs

  • Maintaining relationships and engaging with Christian denominations, bodies, and broader activities
  • Dialogues with other Christian Worldwide Communions
  • Baptist International Conference on Theological Education (BICTE), held once each quinquennium with a focus on drawing together Baptist theologians and theological educators around a specified theme
  • Horizons, a free online training program with 24 online modules that pairs students with a trained mentor for a certificate in children/youth ministry. The program has been translated in 12 languages and focuses on areas of the world where theological education is less available.
Relevant Commissions
  • Commission on Interfaith Relations
  • Commission on Theological Education
  • Commission on Transformational Leadership
Ministry Area: Theological Reflection & Leadership Development

For more than a decade, Horizons has been providing training for youth and children’s ministry leaders.

To make this resource accessible to even more Baptists around the world, the BWA Horizons team launched a new, mobile-optimized website this year. Now all you need is a phone with an internet connection to access this 24-module online training.


Global Leaders serving on BWA Commissions engaging in meaningful theological reflection on today’s most critical issues


Delegates sent to Warsaw, Poland, for the ongoing bilateral dialogue with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

Ministry Area: Theological Reflection & Leadership Development

Awarded a Certificate in Christian Leadership to 24 people from 12 countries at the 2019 BWA Annual Gathering