The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia July 4-9, 2011:
REGARDS current events in various countries in the Middle East as an opportunity for peaceful positive changes in the societies, and, therefore:
Resolution on South Sudan
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Kuala Lumpur July 4-9, 2011:
RECOGNIZES the establishment of the new state of South Sudan, and the joy of achieving independence, and joins our brothers and sisters as they celebrate their newly found independence.
Resolution on “Conflict Minerals”
AWARE that for 15 years the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been embroiled in war, with an estimated 5,400,000 having died due to the war and its effects and with an estimated 45,000 dying each month in eastern Congo from disease and hunger resulting from the ongoing conflict;
Appreciation for Gardner Calvin Taylor
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Izmir, Turkey, July 9-11, 2014:
ACKNOWLEDGES that every human being is created in the image of God and thereby has an intrinsic
value to God and to the world (Genesis 1:26-27);