The BWA General Council, meeting in Singapore, July 1986:
1. notes the vast number of people, both men and women, who are in prison, whose only “crime” has been the conscientious expression of different political views of the proclamation of the Christian Gospel;
Peace with Justice
Whereas humankind has now entered the fifth decade of life under the awesome threat of nuclear annihilation, and
Whereas the nations of the world will spend approximately the equivalent of one trillion US dollars this year on military forces and weapons, and
Witness in a Secular Europe
CELEBRATES the widespread presence of Baptists through the nations of Eurasia;
RECOGNIZES that member bodies, such as the Baptist Union of Sweden, in their commitment to partnership with other Christians, without compromising their distinctive Baptist identity, provide a model of the sharing of work and witness called for by the Seoul Covenant;
Persecution of Christians
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Uppsala, Sweden from 18-24 July 1994:
OFFERS sincere thanks to the Baptist Union of Sweden for the warmth of their welcome and the generosity of their hospitality;
Church Burning in the U.S.A.
NOTES with profound concern the continuing incidents of church burning, numbering in excess of 40 within the past 18 months in the United States of America, involving congregations with African– American membership; and
Hong Kong
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Hong Kong, July 3-9,1996:
NOTES the approaching return of the territory of Hong Kong to Chinese control effective July 1, 1997; and
RECOGNIZES that some perceive this event as potentially traumatic, while others are more optimistic about a new experiment in plural socio-economic systems co-existing within a single nation; and
Human Rights
BWA General Council Resolution 1997.1 The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Vancouver, Canada, July 3-9, 1997: RECOGNIZES with gratitude that 1998 will mark the 59th anniversary of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights which...
Congratulations to Former USA President, Jimmy Carter
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 7-12, 2003:
RECOGNIZES the importance of the work of Baptists throughout the world, individually and collectively, to bring peace and justice to all of the people of God;
ACKNOWLEDGES the tireless efforts of former President Jimmy Carter to bring about peace and justice in the world;
200th Anniversary of the Passing of the Act to Abolish the Slave Trade in the British Colonies
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering, meeting in Accra, Ghana, July 2-7, 2007:
Resolves to commemorate in this historic setting the two hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the abolition of the slave trade.
Admits a long history of human enslavement that has broken families, robbed identities, stripped dignity and inflicted deep and inexpressible pain.
Baptist World Aid and the Poor in God’s World
The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering, meeting in Accra, Ghana, July 2-7, 2007:
Renews its decision made at the General Council in Seoul, Korea, 2004, to strengthen the capacity of aid and development agencies, such as Baptist World Aid, to make a biblically- shaped response to the needs of the poor and oppressed in line with the Micah Challenge campaign to support the UN initiative of 2000 on the Millennium Development Goals to halve the level of world poverty by 2015;