BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, as we thank God for His peace that passes all understanding being unfolded by His grace in our personal lives, we pledge ourselves to work faithfully as instruments of His peace for the things that make for peace—justice, truth, and righteousness—to the furtherance of the great goal of peace on earth and good will among men.
World Food Situation
In view of the alarming world food situation threatening multitudes of the world’s population with famine and starvation, and recognizing the gospel mandate for Christian people to meet such urgent human need:
EC74 that our sincere appreciation to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. McCall, the staff, students, and others who helped, be expressed in the Minutes of this meeting.
Resignation of the United States President
BWA Executive Committee Resolution 1974-08.3 The Executive meeting was interrupted Thursday evening (August 8) to watch a television broadcast of Richard M. Nixon’s resignation as president of the United States. Following the broadcast, M. L. Wilson led in prayer for...
Resolutions Submitted by Outside Groups
BWA Executive Committee Resolution 1974-08.4 Ronald Goulding reported that a copy had been received from Ronald Watts of Canada of a resolution on “Torture and Human Rights” that had been passed by the Baptist Convention of Ontario at their General Assembly. Since...
Statement to the World Council of Churches
This statement was not in the form of a resolution. Copies of a suggested communication to the World Council of Churches were distributed. The Resolutions Committee suggested that a similar statement go also to the European Council of Churches, to be presented by Goulding, and that Tuller and Payne present the one to the World Council of Churches at the forthcoming meeting of its Central Committee in Crete.
Resolution on Religious Liberty in the USA
The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, July 5-7, 2017:
AFFIRMS freedom of religion and belief as a core value borne out in Baptist history and opposes all forms of discrimination based on faith or religion;
Resolution on the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela
The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, July 5-7, 2017:
STATES its concerns at the climate of political and social instability and violence in Venezuela, which has led to deteriorating socio-economic conditions, including a shortage of food and medicines;
Resolution on Religious Freedom in Russia
The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, July 5-7, 2017:
REAFFIRMS our historic Baptist commitment to religious freedom as a gift of God to all people, regardless of denomination or religion; and that this same commitment is enshrined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18, to which the Russian Federation is a signatory;
Resolution on Violations of Religious Freedom in Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region
The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Vancouver, Canada, July 6-8, 2016:
RENEWS its concern about the continuing humanitarian crisis in Nigeria previously addressed by a BWA resolution in 2012;