1994 International Year of the Family

1994 International Year of the Family

ACKNOWLEDGES the actions of Baptists in our own generation in championing religious freedom for all people, especially those who find themselves in a minority situation;
VIEWS WITH ALARM the denial of the right of religious liberty to minority groups such as evangelicals in Bulgaria, Albania, Iran, Ethiopia and the republics of Central Asia, Christians in China, Indonesia and East Timor; and to the Coptic Orthodox and other Christians in Egypt;

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1994 International Year of the Family

Witness in a Secular Europe

CELEBRATES the widespread presence of Baptists through the nations of Eurasia;
RECOGNIZES that member bodies, such as the Baptist Union of Sweden, in their commitment to partnership with other Christians, without compromising their distinctive Baptist identity, provide a model of the sharing of work and witness called for by the Seoul Covenant;

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1994 International Year of the Family

The Ministry of Reconciliation

REJOICES with the world community at recent political developments where negotiation has opened the way to peaceful resolution of long-term hostility or oppression, in particular:
• the September 1993 accords between the Israelis and Palestinians
• the birth of a non-racial and truly democratic society through the April 1994 elections in South Africa
• the peaceful transition to democracy in Malawi in 1994 where Baptists and other Christian leaders played a crucial and courageous role;

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1994 International Year of the Family

Hong Kong

The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Hong Kong, July 3-9,1996:
NOTES the approaching return of the territory of Hong Kong to Chinese control effective July 1, 1997; and
RECOGNIZES that some perceive this event as potentially traumatic, while others are more optimistic about a new experiment in plural socio-economic systems co-existing within a single nation; and

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1994 International Year of the Family


The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Hong Kong, July 3-9, 1996:
OFFERS sincere thanks to the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong for the warmth of their welcome and the generosity of their hospitality;
ACKNOWLEDGES the gracious welcome to Hong Kong given by President Cecil Chan; and

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