Peace with Justice


The BWA General Council, meeting in Singapore, July 1986:
1. is aware of the present situation in the country of Afghanistan and notes with concern the plight of some three million refugees;
2. also notes that the refugee situation has created serious problems for neighboring countries, particularly Pakistan;

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Peace with Justice


The BWA General Council, meeting in Singapore, July 1986:
1. affirms its solidarity with the Nicaraguan Baptist Convention;
2. notes with pleasure that delegations of Baptists from various parts of the world have established personal and church links with our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua and encourages other Baptist Unions and Conventions to do the same;

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Peace with Justice

South Africa

The BWA General Council, meeting in Singapore, July 1986:
1. affirms its solidarity with the Nicaraguan Baptist Convention;
2. notes with pleasure that delegations of Baptists from various parts of the world have established personal and church links with our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua and encourages other Baptist Unions and Conventions to do the same;

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