Tagged as Burundi | Baptist World Alliance


APPLAUDS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that Is playing an active role in helping to bring healing following the end of apartheid and the establishment of democratic rule in South Africa;
COMMENDS the efforts of South African Baptists led by Desmond Hoffmeister, General Secretary of the Baptist Convention of South Africa, and Terry Rae, General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Southern Africa, and encourages their continuing resolve to work under God’s inspiration and guidance toward a Just reconciliation between these two communities;

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Upheaval in Africa

The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 7-12, 2003:
COMMENDS the Christian churches and missions in Africa, especially the Baptist congregations, for their commitment to the Great Commission of Matthew 28, which has resulted in some of the most vibrant and fastest growing Christian communities in the world;

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The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
a) recognizes with thanksgiving to God its experience of the reconciling love of Christ, expressed in the united fellowship of Baptist people from North, South, East and West;
b) reaffirms its belief that God in Christ is able to bring people truly together across national, political, economic, language and cultural barriers;

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