Standing Together with the People of Myanmar | Baptist World Alliance

Standing Together with the People of Myanmar

A Call to Prayer 

February 1: A Dark Day in History

On February 1, 2021, the military seized control and declared a year-long state of emergency. The country’s elected leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, and members of her party are now under house arrest. As a result, all ethnic and religious minorities as well as actors of conscience and conviction are in grave danger.

One leader in Myanmar wrote to us, “With guns in hand the military has ruled with an iron grip, arresting and destroying many lives. The whole country is mourning in grief but this time the people did not come out to protest in the streets knowing many would be shot and killed.”

On-the-ground leaders share about social media blackouts as well as blackouts of news channels such as CNN and BBC. Healthcare workers have been told any protest would result in their immediate arrest.

“Our people have lived under military dictatorship for more than 60 years, and the thought of our children and grandchildren having to go through this life cycle again is a dreadful thought,” said another leader. “We have no guns but a God that protects us. Even though we walk through the darkest valley, we will fear no evil.”

The BWA has member bodies throughout Myanmar, which encompass 1.7 million people and 5,800 congregations. At this crucial time, we invite you to stand together with the global Baptist family in supporting the people of Myanmar.

Myanmar Red Ribbon Solidarity Resources

Resources to help global Baptists stand together in prayer, social media advocacy, and theological reflection

Send a Letter

In response, the Baptist World Alliance has sent letters to key government leaders and invites our global Baptist family to customize the letter to send to the ambassadors at your local embassies. Click to download the letter.

Wear a Red Ribbon

We also invite Baptists to join together in wearing red ribbons as a sign of solidarity with the people of Myanmar. Take a picture wearing your ribbon and email it to us to share on social media. 

Share a Prayer

It is critical that we stand together in prayer at this time. Click to share a prayer for the people of Myanmar and download our Prayer Guide to share with your church and community.

A History of Solidarity

Since 1989, the BWA has passed multiple resolutions calling for the establishment of peace, human rights, and the rule of law. In a 2006 resolution, the BWA “call[ed] upon the Myanmar authorities to lift the house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi, the legally elected president.” A 2013 resolution lamented “that large numbers of innocent civilians have been killed and many women have been raped as part of a strategy of violence. More than 200 Kachin Baptist villages have been lost and at least sixty-six places of worship have been destroyed.” This resolution further called for “solutions to this conflict and to all situations of ethnic cleansing through the power of prayer and nonviolent peacemaking.” 

While many of these resolutions have drawn attention to the severe atrocities faced by ethnic Christians, in a 2019 resolution the BWA also raised our support on behalf of Rohingya Muslims who in recent years have faced genocide. Click below to read the resolutions in their entirety.

Resolution on Myanmar, Violence, & Religious Liberty
Resolution on the Kachin Crisis
Resolution on Religiously-Motivated Violence

Championing Human Rights Leaders

Standing Together with the People of Myanmar
In 2017, the BWA presented the Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award to Cynthia Maung of Myanmar. The citation praised Maung’s outstanding work as a human rights advocate and a medical doctor who had devoted almost 30 years to providing healthcare for the displaced Karen in refugee camps along the Thai border.

BWA President Paul Msiza presented the award to Maung, who thanked the BWA for the honor and expressed her gratitude to God, her colleagues, family, friends, teachers, students and fellow doctors.

Pastor Saw Simon of Myanmar was awarded the Baptist World Congress Human Rights Award in 2000.

Standing Together in Prayer

Join with the global Baptist family to prayer on behalf of the nation of Myanmar, its people, and our Baptist sisters and brothers striving to make an impact in their communities at this crucial time. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD OUR PRAYER GUIDE.

In response to the political and societal turmoil in Myanmar, BWA President Tomás Mackey offers a prayer of peace in the videos below.

Small Stream of Mae La Camp

The Mae La Refugee Choir shares a lament entitled “Small Stream of Mae Lae Camp.” 

By the small stream of Mae La Camp
We sat down and cried
By the small stream of Mae La Camp
We sat down and cried

In the heat of many days
Through sleepless nights in the foreign land
We are hungry, thirsty for freedom
When freedom is so far away

How shall we sing the song of freedom?
When freedom is shackled and chained
How shall we sing the song of joy?
When freedom is shackled and chained

Oh my God. Oh my God
Why have you abandoned
Oh my God, Oh my God
Why have you forsaken us?