Sharing the Compassion of Christ

“The situation here in Sudan is catastrophic. There is simply no other way to put it. Hunger, disease and sexual violence are rampant.
For the people of Sudan, this is a living nightmare.”  

– Chief of the United Nations Office of Migration –

Beirut Bombing

Since the outbreak of civil war in Sudan in April 2023, the country has plunged into crisis. With widespread fighting and entire villages burned, more than 14 million people have been forced to flee their homes. Hunger and malnutrition is severe with one in every two Sudanese struggling to find enough food to survive, and disease is rampant due to the destruction of health, water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure.  

How do we respond in the face of such devastation?   

Your gifts to the BWA help provide immediate relief, longer-term support, and advocacy as we partner with Baptists on the ground in crisis zones. Baptists like the Sudan Interior Church who, with the support of a BWAid grant, are distributing nutritious food packs and hygiene kits to thousands of refugees living in camps on the border of Sudan.

By giving to the BWA “Light of the World” Christmas Offering, you are making a difference – for the people of Sudan and for those experiencing crises and challenges around the world.

Every gift matters. Thank you for giving generously.  

Support the “Light of the World” Christmas Offering

Giving Online

Giving online is convenient and secure, and donations can be one-time or recurring. Click to donate now!

Giving By Check

Address checks to the Baptist World Alliance and mail to our office located at:

405 N. Washington Street
Falls Church, Virginia, 22046 USA

Giving via Wire Transfer

For those wishing to give via wire transfer, email the BWA Finance Department to receive specific instructions.

The Baptist World Alliance is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization within the United States.
For income tax reporting purposes, donors will receive a receipt for their gift.

Designated Gift Policy: If a ministry project is overfunded, our policy is to apply the unused portion to a similar need.

Baptist World Aid

Networking the Baptist Family to Transform Vulnerable Communities with the Compassion of Christ
  • Did you know that 600 women and girls are gaining valuable skills through vocational courses in modern dressmaking, cooking, hairstyling, and computer training through a BWAid-sponsored project in the Central African Republic?


  • Did you know that over 8,000 persons are recovering from devastating floods around the world and have received food, essential non-food items, and/or shelter because of your generosity to the BWAid disaster relief fund?