Regional Secretaries

Elias Apetogbo
AABF General Secretary
All Africa Baptist Fellowship
Elias Apetogbo is a Togo Baptist Convention-trained Pastor who graduated from West Africa Baptist Advanced School of Theology in Lome, Togo. While serving as the Senior Pastor of Eglise Baptiste La Vraie Vie de Vakpossito in Lome, he was elected to serve as General Secretary of All Africa Baptist Fellowship (AABF) which also includes service as one of the six Regional Secretaries of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA).
Elias is passionate about youth and children’s ministry. He served the Youth Department of AABF as its General Secretary before becoming the Chairman of the Advisory Council of the BWA Horizons Youth and Children Leaders Training Program, from which he graduated and became Horizons’ first mentor in Africa and first Coordinator for Africa.
On July 10, 2007, Elias founded Guinos Foundation Association which engages youth and children in interacting with the Scripture through Bible championships and competitions. His commitment to the Father’s affairs was seen in various Christian Ministries such as 4/14 Window’s Movement, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, Global Alliance For Church Multiplication, Transform World, PureHope Coalition, Prayer Covenant and several responsibilities within the Togo Baptist Convention. In 2021, when he was appointed to serve the Baptist Family in Africa, he reached the age of 44 while recording some 30 years of ministry to Children and Youth.
Prior to the pastoral ministry, Elias served as a Mathematics Teacher. He is married to Denise Aklassou and is blessed with five beautiful children.

Vesekhoyi Tetseo
APBF General Secretary
As Asia Pacific Baptists, it is my prayer that we would never lose the urgency to proclaim the gospel of our Resurrected Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Asia Pacific Baptist Federation
At the time of his election as APBF General Secretary in 2017, Tetseo was co-lead pastor of the Okinawa Daiichi Baptist Church in Okinawa, Japan. He is also the founder and director of Live to Worship Ministries International, which conducts workshops for worship, music, and leadership for churches in Asia.
He has had longstanding involvement in Baptist life globally. Since 2010, he has been vice president of the BWA Youth Department and president of Asia Pacific Baptist Youth. He was worship band leader during the BWA-planned Baptist Youth World Conference in Singapore in July 2013, for which he composed the theme song, “Reach.” His band also led worship and he composed theme songs for APBF Congresses in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2006; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2012; and Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2017.
Born in Nagaland State in Northeast India, Tetseo studied English Literature at the Baptist College in Kohima, Nagaland; earned a master’s degree in church music at the Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary in Baguio City, Philippines; and completed a doctoral degree in worship studies with the Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary.
After pastoral and teaching assignments in the Philippines, he moved to Japan in 2001 to become a music teacher at Okinawa Christian School International, where he also served on its board. He became actively involved in Baptist life in Okinawa, serving as chair of the Okinawa Baptist Convention Music Committee and member of the convention’s World Mission Committee.
Tetseo has written or co-authored three books on worship and youth ministry as well as recording and producing several musical CDs.
He is married to Ai Nohara and they have three sons: Levito, Kozo, and Setsuri.

Anslem Warrick
CBF Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Caribbean Baptist Fellowship
Anslem Warrick currently serves as the Senior Pastor of St. John’s Baptist Church in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. He has held this position from 1994 to present. He serves as the General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Trinidad and Tobago, a position which he has held from 1995 to 2004 and again from 2007 to present. He also served as Vice President of the Baptist World Alliance from 2015 to 2020.
Anslem is a graduate of the University of the West Indies (Mona) and the United Theological College of the West Indies (UTCWI) and commenced his service as the CBF Executive Secretary-Treasurer in January 2021. His service also extends to the Baptist World Alliance as Regional Secretary and Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, Peacebuilding, and Reconciliation. Rev. Warrick is also a member of other committees of the Baptist World Alliance.
He is married to Karlene and they have been blessed with three children, a son (Kerel) and two daughters (Khadine and Karissa).

Alan Donaldson
EBF General Secretary
European Baptist Federation
Alan Donaldson is an accredited Baptist Minister in Scotland where he has served the church for 30 years in a variety of roles including Youth Pastor, Senior Pastor, and General Director of the Baptist Union of Scotland.
He studied at London School of Theology, The Scottish Baptist College, and Spurgeons College. He is particularly interested in the study and practice of innovative leadership models and alternative expressions of church.
Ruth and Alan were married in 1990. They are regularly heard to speak of their 17 children: Amy and Paul who were born into their family, Alex who came to live with them for a few months and stayed 13 years, Victoria who shared their home for 4 years, and 13 others who came as foster children and stayed for up to 2 years.
Currently Ruth and Alan are living on a canal boat in Glasgow where they are seeking to share the love, life and joy of the kingdom of God with their fellow boat dwellers. He also serves as chaplain of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club but regularly gets distracted from these duties when competing at a local, regional, and occasionally national level.

Parrish Jácome Hernández
UBLA Executive Director
Union of Baptists in Latin America
Dr. Parrish Jácome Hernández of Ecuador serves as Executive Director of the Union of Baptists in Latin America (UBLA), one of the six regional fellowships of the BWA. In addition, he is the Academic Dean of the Baptist Theological Seminary of Ecuador and the Pastor of Israel Baptist Church in Guayaquil.
His educational background includes a Bachelor of Theology, a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies, and a Doctor in Theology with an emphasis in Urban Ministries.
Jácome is also the author of the books: Dialogues with God; Cry for the Family; Baptist Preaching in the 21st Century; and City, Church, and Community as well as various theological articles for magazines and academic spaces. He has also participated in various theological education forums in Latin America and the Caribbean.
He is married to Toyi and they share three children: Gerald, Parrish André, and Ana Belen.