Regional Fellowships | Baptist World Alliance

Regional Fellowships

The Baptist World Alliance is comprised of six regional fellowships, each led by its own Regional Secretary.
Baptist World Congresses and Annual Gatherings are hosted on a rotational basis by members of the regional fellowships.

The All Africa Baptist Fellowship, which includes 85 Baptist conventions and unions from 45 Countries, is a regional arm of Baptist World Alliance in Africa established in 1982 to serve as platform to unite and coordinate Baptist bodies on the continent for fellowship, missions, evangelism, church planting and disaster response.

The Asia Pacific Baptist Federation (APBF) represents over 33,000 local churches and 63 Conventions in 22 Countries across the Asia Pacific region. Established as a regional fellowship of the Baptist World Alliance in 1975, APBF’s mission is to inspire and equip Baptists by collaborating, networking, training and serving to fulfill the Great Commission.

The Caribbean Baptist Fellowship (CBF) represents Baptists in 22 countries throughout the Caribbean. Established as a regional fellowship of the Baptist World Alliance in 1970, the mission of CBF is to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, expressing in word and deed the love of God for every person within the Caribbean region and beyond.

The European Baptist Federation, which includes 800,000 members in 52 countries, is a regional fellowship of the Baptist World Alliance in Eurasia as well as the Middle and Near East. Its purpose is to encourage and inspire Baptists in faith, fellowship, and shared responsibility, seeking in all its endeavours to fulfill the will of Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour.

Regional Fellowships

The North American Baptist Fellowship (NABF) represents over 19.7 million Baptists in 55,000 churches throughout North America. NABF seeks to actively facilitate and resource members in collaborating and sharing resources and best practices in the areas of creative ministry, disaster relief, justice, mercy, evangelism, and fresh expressions of the church.

The Union of Baptists in Latin America (UBLA) represents Baptists in countries throughout Latin America. Established as a regional fellowship of the Baptist World Alliance in 1976, UBLA gathers and coordinates the conventions and unions of Latin America to fulfill of unified mission of spreading the Gospel.