Prayer Ministry | Baptist World Alliance

Prayer Ministry

Pray for Every Country in the World This Year

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The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.

James 5:16

Each week the Baptist World Alliance Prayer Ministry team gathers to pray for specific countries within the global Baptist family.

You can join us in this global prayer ministry initiative! Sign up for the “One in Prayer” email to receive a weekly prayer guide with specific praises and prayer requests from countries around the world.


“One in Prayer” Prayer Guide Archive

Standing Together in Prayer

During these challenging times in our world, prayer is needed more than ever. This year the BWA has facilitated numerous prayer initiatives, including a 24-hour prayer marathon in March that included more than 600 people from over 40 countries. 

As part of our continuing response to racial injustice, the Baptist World Alliance hosted “Standing Together in Prayer: Baptists Against Racism,” a unified hour of prayer and dialogue on Thursday, June 18, led by Baptist leaders from around the world.


Share a Prayer Request

One of the most impactful ways we can stand together as people of faith is to pray for one another. Please share your prayer requests below. Your global Baptist family stands ready to intercede for you.

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