Baptist World Alliance, BWA News Release

Baptists observe Human Rights Day in December

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Baptists observe Human Rights Day in DecemberThe Baptist World Alliance and its constituents will observe Human Rights Day on December 10 for Baptists who worship on Saturday, or December 11 for those worshiping on Sunday.

Human Rights Day is a commemoration of the day on which the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of human rights on December 10, 1948.

During this years’ celebration, Baptists are encouraged to “Stand up for someone’s rights today,” this year’s Human Rights Day theme, by being living witnesses of Proverbs 31:8-9: Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

The intention is to have the greatest amount of Baptists worldwide observing Human Rights Day as part of the Advent celebration. Baptist churches and institutions are encouraged to incorporate one or more of the worship resources located on our website at There you will also find the latest podcast from the Division on Mission, Evangelism and Justice, which discusses Human Rights Day, as well as BWA’s presence and ministry at the United Nations.

Congregations are encouraged to share their Human Rights Day experiences on the BWA Facebook group page, on Twitter using the handle @TheBWA, or by emailing [email protected].

Baptist World Alliance®
©December 5, 2016

The Baptist World Alliance, founded in 1905, is a fellowship of 266 conventions and unions in 134 countries and territories comprising 53 million baptized believers in 178,000 churches. For more than 100 years, the Baptist World Alliance has networked the Baptist family to impact the world for Christ with a commitment to strengthen worship, fellowship and unity; lead in mission and evangelism; respond to people in need through aid, relief, and community development; defend religious freedom, human rights, and justice; and advance theological reflection and leadership development.