Roshan Mendis examines the ministry of Jesus and discusses the Great Commission and Great Commandment as they relate to integral mission.

Roshan Mendis examines the ministry of Jesus and discusses the Great Commission and Great Commandment as they relate to integral mission.
Rev. Israel Olofinjana explores discipleship in a suffering world and examines theology that originates in the context of loss and pain.
Just as the Psalmist faced diverse dangers, Roshan Mendis exhorts readers to respond to COVID-19 on the basis of our spiritual roots.
Wati Longchar challenges readers to go out from the four walls of the church at this critical time to show love and justice in action.
Based on Romans 8, Jonathan Wilson applies the three groanings within the story of God’s redemption to the context of COVID-19 and offers hope in the Spirit.
From the context of devastated Philippines, Jerson Narciso examines how the body of Christ can meaningfully address emerging issues and concerns in the new normal.