Men's Department | Baptist World Alliance

Men's Department

Strategic Goal

To inspire dynamic Spirit-led men on the move reaching unsaved men for Christ by impacting their communities, nation, and world through their life, commitment and witness.



Men’s Department Director Ayoola Badejo, pictured on the right, was one of 24 people from 12 countries who earned a Certificate in Christian Leadership at the final general council session of the 2019 Annual Gathering.

In his Annual Gathering Report, Director Badejo shared: “We continue to dialogue and appeal to Baptist leaders in all regions to partner with the Men’s Department to bring to life or inject fresh life in the Men’s Fellowship Groups worldwide and in every BWA region.”

Men’s World Day of Prayer


The BWA Men’s World Day of Prayer is an annual event on the fourth Saturday of April that includes men in more than 200 Baptist conventions and unions. This special day engages Baptist men worldwide in a unified day of witnessing, prayer, giving, fellowship, and learning.

The World Day of Prayer offers an opportunity to involve the men in your church, while seeking to encourage others in your sphere of influence. Some ways to incorporate the event are prayer breakfasts, an evening worship service, weekend revival, community witnessing, or other special event. Participate in this corporate time of prayer heard around the world and collect an offering to further the work of the BWA Men’s Department around the world.

2024 Day of Prayer Resources

For 2024 Event Guides, please click the download button below: