Membership Information | Baptist World Alliance

Membership Information

Founded in 1905, the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) is a Christian Worldwide Communion that draws upon 400 years of shared Baptist history with 266 member partners in 134 countries and territories representing over 50 million Baptists and 175,000 churches. Since 1905, membership in the BWA has included conventions and unions as well as other organizational expressions of Baptist life and ministry.

The BWA continues to embrace new ways of fully living out our mission today, “Networking the Baptist family to impact the world for Christ.” There are two categories of partnership for Baptist organizations: Member Partner and Ministry Partner. Membership information regarding the distinctives of each category are listed below.

Who can apply to be a BWA Member Partner?

All Baptist organizations who have an independent governance structure and financial identity are eligible to apply and join the BWA as “Member Partners.” This membership category recognizes the vital role played by a variety of Baptist groups and their important place in our global family. It also strengthens our BWA mission as together we work “to impact the world for Christ.”

Click below to view more details excerpted from the BWA Bylaws.

Member Partner Details
  • Baptist bodies applying to be a Member Partner of the BWA shall: (i) Be organized Baptist groups. (ii) Be affiliated with at least one key ministry area of the BWA. (iii) Have their own independent governance and financial identity.
  • Each Baptist body welcomed as a Member Partner shall subscribe to the identity, values, objectives, and financial support of the BWA as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws and other relevant documents of the BWA. Each shall authorize the application for membership through its own due process and through its officers or duly empowered governance structure.
  • The criteria and/or guidelines for membership and evaluation of submitted applications will be maintained in a Membership Committee Charter approved by the Leadership Council.
  • Applications determined to meet membership requirements will be recommended by the Membership Committee to the Leadership Council for its affirmation and recommendation to the Global Council for approval.
  • Members Partners of the BWA will demonstrate their identity and collaborative support by: (i) Participating in regular prayer. (ii) Attending BWA Annual Gatherings, Congress, and other meetings. (iii) Joining BWA Regions, networks, and other ministry areas. (iv) Collaborating in BWA mission and ministry. (v) Paying an appropriate annual donation. (vi) Completing BWA surveys and annual forms. (vii) Reporting and promoting regularly to its constituency and sphere of influence on the identity, mission, ministry, and programs of the BWA.
  • Each Member Partner will assume a fair and reasonable share of financial support for the general ministry, programs, and work of the BWA. In currency-controlled countries, money spent on behalf of BWA ministry and programs within the currency-controlled area may be regarded by mutual agreement as a contribution towards the Member Partner’s financial responsibilities to the BWA.
  • In order that the BWA may gather and disseminate information about its global ministry and impact, analyze trends, and respond appropriately, each Member Partner will participate in surveys and provide reports as requested by the BWA, including providing annual statistics, based on careful reporting and/or surveys of that membership.
  • Member Partners that appoint representatives to the BWA Global Council will do so in accordance with the BWA Bylaws.
  • The Membership Committee may at times discern and recommend suspension or disqualification of a Member Partner should that entity no longer fulfil the conditions of BWA membership. Suspension or disqualification must be approved by a majority vote of the Leadership Council after a time of prayerful discernment. The Leadership Council is the final arbiter. In extraordinary circumstances, interim suspension or disqualification can be made by a majority vote of the Membership Committee until consideration by the Leadership Council. Decisions regarding membership and good faith continuation are solely at the discretion of the BWA. Disqualification does not preclude future reapplication.

    (BWA Bylaws, Article II, Section 1)

Who can apply to be a BWA Ministry Partner?

All Baptist groups that wish to collaborate in the mission and ministry of the BWA but that do not qualify for Member Partnership or prefer not to apply as a Member Partner may be admitted as a Ministry Partner of the BWA. This membership category recognizes the vital role played by a variety of Baptist groups and their important place in our global family. It also strengthens our BWA mission as together we work “to impact the world for Christ.”

Click below to view more details excerpted from the BWA Bylaws.

Ministry Partner Details
    • Baptist groups that wish to collaborate in the mission and ministry of the BWA but that do not qualify for Member Partnership or prefer not to apply as a Member Partner may be admitted as a Ministry Partner of the BWA.
    • Ministry Partners of the BWA will demonstrate their identity and collaborative support by:
      (i) Participating in regular prayer.
      (ii) Attending BWA annual gatherings, Congress, and other meetings.
      (iii) Joining BWA regions, networks, and other ministry areas.
      (iv) Collaborating in BWA mission and ministry.
      (v) Paying an appropriate annual donation.
      (vi) Completing BWA surveys and annual forms.
      (vii) Reporting and promoting regularly to its constituency and sphere of influence on the identity, mission, ministry, and programs of the BWA.
    • Ministry Partner applications will be reviewed by the General Secretary and affirmed by the Membership Committee.
    • The General Secretary may at times discern the need for suspension or disqualification of a Ministry Partner where that entity is no longer fulfilling the conditions of BWA Ministry Partner membership. Suspension or disqualification must be approved by a majority vote of the Membership Committee after a time of prayerful discernment. The Membership Committee is the final arbiter. Interim suspension or disqualification can be made by the General Secretary until consideration by the Membership Committee. Decisions regarding membership and good faith continuation are solely at the discretion of the BWA. Disqualification does not preclude future reapplication.
    • Ministry Partners do not have representation on the BWA Global Council by virtue of their ministry partnership.
      (BWA Bylaws, Article II, Section 2)

Are you interested in your organization pursuing membership in the Baptist World Alliance?

To express interest in member or ministry partnership, please complete the short inquiry form linked below.