Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Niger




BP : 11 243 Niamey NIGER


Phone: +227 96 87 74 72
Website: www.nigerianbaptist.org


President: Tchalieni Panlieba
General Secretary: Ayeko Jerome


  • We give thanks for the opportunity to welcome the Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Niger as one of the newest members of the BWA at the 2023 Annual Gathering in July 2023.

Prayer Requests

  • We pray for just peace across the nation in the wake of the recent military coup. Pray for the Lord’s protection over the people and for strength and wisdom for Baptist leaders as they seek to be light in the darkness.

Tchalieni Panlieba, President of the Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Niger, shares with the General Council what BWA membership means to their church family. 

Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Niger