Sri Lanka Baptist Sangamaya | Baptist World Alliance

Sri Lanka Baptist Sangamaya




46 Kynsey Road Colombo 08 SRI LANKA


Phone: +94 011 2695459
Fax: +94 011 2685777


President: Wilee Ranasinghe
General Secretary: A.M.Ratnayake


  • We thank God for the ministry of SLBS as they seek to share Gospel witness amidst many challenges. We also praise God for the incredible aid work and community support provided by Asia Pacific Baptist Aid (APBAid) during this season of financial challenge and unrest.
  • We thank God for the ministry of SLBS as they seek to share Gospel witness in their communities.

Prayer Requests

  • We continue to pray for peace and economic stability as the country faces the many challenges resulting from the last year’s financial crisis, including power blackouts and severe shortages of food, fuel, and medicine.
  • We continue to pray for peace and financial stability as the country recovers from the many challenges resulting from the economic crisis in 2022.

Pictured is a gathering in Sri Lanka last Easter as a memorial for those who lost their lives in the 2019 bombings as well as an ongoing protest for the nation’s economic challenges.

Sri Lanka Baptist Sangamaya

Women in Sri Lanka gathered earlier this month to observe Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer.