Praises Panama represents a diverse cross-section of the world’s population. Join us in thanking God for this diversity and the opportunity to minister to the world from within Panama's borders. Prayer Request Join us in praying for continued opportunities to...
Baptist Union of Norway
Praises We give thanks for Norwegian sisters and brothers who graciously hosted the BWA Annual Gathering and SENT Mission Summit in Stavanger, Norway, in July 2023. Join us in thanking God for the faithful leadership of Baptists within Norway,...
Nigerian Baptist Convention
Prayer Requests Join us in prayer for peace across the nation in the midst of economic and political unrest and recent protests. Pray for the Lord to continue to use Baptists across the country to be messengers of Gospel hope and instruments of practical and...
Mambilla Baptist Convention
Prayer Requests Join us in prayer for peace across the nation in the midst of economic and political unrest and recent protests. Pray for the Lord to continue to use Baptists across the country to be messengers of Gospel hope and instruments of practical and...
Baptist Convention of Nicaragua (CBN)
Praises Join us in thanking God for the integrated way the CBN is proclaiming the Gospel through churches, a Baptist hospital, college, radio station, and preventative healthcare program. Prayer Requests Join us in praying for continued strengthening of the local...
UNIE-ABC Baptist and Cama Churches in the Netherlands
Praises Join us in giving thanks for the historically deep Christian roots and long-standing faith in this nation. Praises Join us in prayer for the leadership of the International Baptist Theological Study Centre (IBTS Centre) in Amsterdam as they offer theological...
Nepal Baptist Church Council
Praises May 2023Join us in thanking God for fruitful church planting initiatives in Nepal and the spread of the Gospel across the country Prayer Requests May 2023Please join us in prayer for the economy and for leaders in Nepal to have the wisdom to guide the country...
Baptist Convention of Namibia
Praises Join us in thanking God for the beauty of this nation, its people, and the religious freedom they now enjoy. We also give thanks for the leadership of Jonas Kakenge Mbwenga, President of All Africa Baptist Youth Fellowship. Prayer Requests Join us in prayer...
Zomi Baptist Convention of Myanmar
Praises December 2023We give thanks for the resources to send BWAid emergency grants to Myanmar and for the faithful ministry of these leaders during this time of political and economic challenge. Prayer Requests December 2023We pray for Baptists in Myanmar as they...
Myanmar Baptist Convention
Praises December 2023We give thanks for the resources to send BWAid emergency grants to Myanmar and for the faithful ministry of these leaders during this time of political and economic challenge. Prayer Requests December 2023We pray for Baptists in Myanmar as they...