Free Will Baptist Convention of Cuba | Baptist World Alliance

Free Will Baptist Convention of Cuba

(Convención Bautista Libre de Cuba)




Cl. Zaragoza 169 El Calzada del Cerro y Manila El Cerro Ciudad de Habana 12000 CUBA


Phone: +53 5 219 9077
Fax: +53 7 261 2785


President: Ramon S. Carril
General Secretary: Leandro P. Diaz


  • Join us in thanking God for the faithful Gospel witness of Baptists throughout Cuba.

Prayer Requests

  • Join us in praying for opportunities to minister in innovative ways in the face of opposition and restrictions.

Pictured is BWA President Tomás Mackey speaking at a church in Cuba during a BWAid country visit earlier this year.

Free Will Baptist Convention of Cuba

Members of the BWA General Council gather for a moment of fellowship before meeting in Havana, Cuba, in 2000.

Free Will Baptist Convention of Cuba