Connection of Haitian Baptist Churches for Integral Mission (CEBAHMI)

(Connexion des Églises Baptistes Haitiennes pour la Mision Intégrale)



#4 Rue George Sylvain Delmas-29 HAITI


Phone: +509 3711 4936
Fax: +509 3311 0195


President: Jonathan Joseph
General Secretary: Berthony Denaud


  • October 2023
    Join us in thanking God for the leadership of 2020-2025 BWA Vice President Joel Dorsinville. We also give thanks for the faithfulness of all Haitian Baptists who are serving in the midst of extreme challenges at this time and for BWAid’s efforts to support their pastoral response.

Prayer Request

  • October 2023
    Join us in prayer for continued provision and sustaining strength for Baptist leaders as they seek to meet physical needs and provide spiritual care.

Pictured is a time of worship and fellowship at the 2022 Haiti Pastors Retreat facilitated by BWAid and International Ministries.

Connection of Haitian Baptist Churches for Integral Mission (CEBAHMI)

Connection of Haitian Baptist Churches for Integral Mission (CEBAHMI)