Baptist Union of Poland | Baptist World Alliance

Baptist Union of Poland

(Kościól Chrześcijan Baptystów w RP)




ul. Szczytnowska 35-39 04-812 Warszawa POLAND


Phone: +48 22 615 5076


President: Marek Glodek


  • Join us in thanking God for peace in our country in the face of the ongoing war in the territory of our neighbor Ukraine. We continue to pray for peace for the Ukrainian nation and to help refugees in need. We are grateful to God for newly established Ukrainian, Belarusian, Chinese, and Korean congregations. This internationality is a foretaste of the Kingdom of God, of which all nations, tribes, and languages are members. We are grateful for the grace of participating in the development of the Kingdom of God in a broader dimension in Poland.
  • We give thanks to God for the well-organized ministry of women in our Baptist family.
  • Praises and prayer requests shared by Marek Glodek, President of Baptist Union of Poland and BWA General Council Member.

Prayer Requests

  • Join us in prayer for the Church (our congregations and communities) to remain faithful to Christ and biblical teaching in the face of changing ideological norms. We also pray for new missionaries, leaders, and pastors for the ministry of making Christ known in our cities and in our country, especially where there are no evangelical congregations yet. God is gracious, and we have a good number of students in our Baptist Theological Seminary, but we are praying for young boys and girls to enter various ministries in the church as young leaders.
  • Join us also in prayer for the next meeting for Pastors’ Wives to be held in April this year and for our national women’s conference in early October.

Pictured are Ukrainian refugees being welcomed at a church in Chelm after being displaced by the war.

Baptist Union of Poland