Baptist Convention of Angola | Baptist World Alliance

Baptist Convention of Angola

(Convenção Baptista de Angola)




Cx. Postal 5.129 Rua Comandante Kuenha No. 14 R/C Luanda ANGOLA


Phone: +244 923 37 87 49


President: João César
General Secretary: Mário Vontade


  • Join us in thanking God for the many natural resources in this region and the growing economy.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the Convention as they steward resources from a recent Baptist World Aid emergency grant to provide food and masks for 500 people.
  • Please join us in prayer for reconciliation through Christ’s love after many years of civil war. Pray also for educational and vocational opportunities for young people to help break the cycle of poverty.

A gathering of the Baptist Convention of Angola

A gathering of the Baptist Convention of Angola