African Baptist Assembly, Malawi, Inc. | Baptist World Alliance

African Baptist Assembly, Malawi, Inc.




P.O. Box 1 Chilembwe MALAWI


Phone: +265 951 0416


President: McFord B. Chipuliko
General Secretary: Patrick Makondesa


  • We give thanks for the opportunity to partner with Malawi member bodies during the COVID pandemic to provide sanitary washing kits to more than 6,000 people in 124 Baptist churches.

Prayer Requests

  • We continue to pray for those impacted earlier this year by Tropical Cyclone Freddy, the longest-lasting tropical cyclone ever recorded. It resulted in damaging winds and mudslides across 15 districts. Pray for peace for those grieving the loss of loved ones. Pray also for resources to continue rebuilding efforts.

Pictured is a Marriage Seminary hosted at DAPP College.

Pictured is a Marriage Seminary hosted at DAPP College.