Human Rights Award | Baptist World Alliance

2024 Denton & Janice Lotz
Human Rights Award

2024 Denton & Janice Lotz Human Rights Award
In alignment with our commitment to respond through aid, relief, and community development and to defend religious freedom, human rights, and justice, the Baptist World Alliance is committed to recognizing global leaders who are making an impact in these areas. Established in 2006, the Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award is given by the BWA for significant and effective action and activities to secure, protect, restore, or preserve human rights. It includes all rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other declared rights by United Nations bodies such as the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, and the International Court of Justice.

Purpose of the Human Rights Award

This award is given to recognize a global Baptist leader for significant and effective action or activities to secure, protect, restore, or preserve human rights as they are stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or in other declarations on human rights. 


The award shall not be given to an organization, but to any individual who is a member of a Baptist church affiliated to a convention, union, or organization that is a member of a Baptist World Alliance Member Body. Previous nominees who did not win an award may be nominated again.


Nominations: Nominations may be made in any language used by a Member Body of the BWA. Only completed applications will be accepted. Nominations must be received by the Baptist World Alliance by November 30, 2023.

Should you experience any difficulties with the digital nomination form linked through the button below, a PDF version of the form is also available. 

Review & Selection Process: A BWA Awards Committee comprised of Baptist leaders from around the world confidentially reviews nominees. The Awards Committee Chair recommends a recipient to the BWA Executive Committee who then deliberate and act upon that recommendation. The recipient is usually announced publicly during the BWA Annual Gathering.

General Timeline:
Through November 30: Nominations Accepted
December – February: Awards Committee Deliberations
March: BWA Executive Committee Consideration
July: Recipient Honored

Award Recipients

Past recipients include:
  • 2023: Mona Khauli (Lebanon)
  • 2022: Daniel L. Buttry (USA)
  • 2019: Burchel Taylor (Jamaica)
  • 2018: Christer Daelander (Sweden)
  • 2017: Cynthia Maung (Myanmar/Thailand)
  • 2014: Ilie Coada (Moldova)
  • 2013: Glen Stassen (USA)
  • 2012: Edgar Palacios (El Salvador)
  • 2011: Wati Aier (India)
  • 2009: Leena Lavanya (India)
  • 2008: Dennis Datta (Bangladesh)
  • 2007: João and Nora Matwawana (Angola)
  • 2006: Gustavo Parajón (Nicaragua)
Awards: Human Rights

Janice Lotz (USA) and 2015-2020 Baptist World Alliance President Paul Msiza (South Africa) present Rev. Dr. Burchel Taylor with the 2019 Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award at the 2019 Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering in Nassau, The Bahamas.

Congress Quinquennial Human Rights Award: To further recognize leadership in the area of human rights, the Congress Quinquennial Human Rights Award is given every five years for a lifetime of achievement to an individual who has shown significant accomplishments in global advocacy for human rights and the pursuit of social justice and peace.

Previous BWA Congress Quinquennial Human Rights Award Recipients: Raúl Scialabba, Argentina (2020); Corneille Gato Munyamasoko, Rwanda (2015); Denton Lotz, USA (2010); Lauran Bethell, USA (2005); Saw Simon, Myanmar (2000); Jimmy Carter, USA (1995)